GitHub - alecthomas/participle: A parser library for Go
Participle: A Simple Library for Defining Parsers — Provides a straightforward yet idiomatic way to define...
DiceDB - an open-source, fast, reactive, in-memory database optimized for modern hardware.
DiceDB: A Reactive, In-Memory Database Optimized for Modern Hardware — A new Go-powered database! Dice is a...
GitHub - deckarep/golang-set: A simple, battle-tested and generic set type for the Go language. Trusted by Docker, 1Password, Ethereum and Hashicorp.
golang-set: A Simple, Well-Tested, Generic Set Type — “Until Go has sets built-in…use this.” The latest...
cznic / doomgeneric · GitLab
doomgeneric: Doom, Ported to Go? — If classic 90s FPS Doom can be ported to JavaScript...
Go Structs and Interfaces Made Simple
Go Structs and Interfaces Made Simple — An introduction (or refresher) of Go’s core building blocks...
cmd/compile: slow escape analysis in large package in the typescript compiler · Issue #72815 · golang/go
TypeScript's Go Port Already Leading to Optimizations for Go — Last week’s big news was about...
Build a Fullstack App with Vanilla JS and Go — Exclusive Workshop
📅 Live Workshop: Build Production-Ready Apps with JavaScript & Go — Join Maximiliano Firtman next week...
Were multiple return values Go's biggest mistake?
Were Multiple Return Values a Mistake for Go? — An interesting technical post critiquing the effects...
Traversal-resistant file APIs - The Go Programming Language
Traversal-Resistant File APIs — Among the lesser known new features in recent versions of Go are...
A 10x Faster TypeScript - TypeScript
TypeScript's Compiler to Get 10x Faster, Thanks to Go — TypeScript has shaken up the JavaScript...
Why Go? · microsoft/typescript-go · Discussion #411
Why Reimplement TypeScript's Compiler in Go? — Many people have been asking why Microsoft is porting...
GitHub - objectbox/objectbox-go: Embedded Go Database, the fast alternative to SQLite, gorm, etc.
ObjectBox Go 1.9: A Fast, Embedded Database for Go Objects — Store objects in ObjectBox and...
GitHub - jaypipes/ghw: Go HardWare discovery/inspection library
ghw 0.15.0: A Go Hardware Discovery/Inspection Library — Find out things about the memory, CPU, storage,...
GitHub - go-vgo/robotgo: RobotGo, Go Native cross-platform RPA and GUI automation @vcaesar
RobotGo: Native Cross-Platform GUI Automation — A way to control the pointer, keyboard, read the screen,... Introduction Workshop
Sign Up for a Workshop to Get Started Building Go-Powered Decentralized Apps — App builders, Go...
Cursor for Large Projects
Using Cursor for Large Projects — If you’ve tried using tools like Cursor to write Go...
Building a Secure Session Manager in Go
Building a Secure Session Manager — The stateless nature of requests to a webapp demands some...
Different ways of working with SQL Databases in Go
Different Ways of Working with SQL Databases in Go — Starting with a simple schema presenting...
From unique to cleanups and weak: new low-level tools for efficiency - The Go Programming Language
New Low-Level Tools for Garbage Collection Efficiency — A look at two new features offered by...
Nil channels in Go
Nil Channels in Go — Nil channels seem to baffle many Gophers, so Vishnu went on...
Faster Go maps with Swiss Tables - The Go Programming Language
Faster Go Maps with Swiss Tables — One of Go’s newest features is a revamped map...
Tips to debug hanging Go programs
Tips to Debug Hanging Go Programs — Next time your Go app becomes unresponsive, these tips...
Webinar | Proactive Postgres Practices to Prevent Performance Bottlenecks
Keep Postgres Maintenance from Slowing Down Your Go App — Secure your spot to learn the...
The cost of Go's panic and recover ::
The Cost of Go's panic and recover — When something goes unexpectedly and critically wrong in...
Calling Rust from 'Cursed' Go — Cgo is Go’s mechanism for calling external/foreign functions but its...
How and why we built our startup around small teams
The Magic of Small Engineering Teams — How PostHog uses small teams to ship fast and...
GitHub - x-motemen/gore: Yet another Go REPL that works nicely. Featured with line editing, code completion, and more.
Gore 0.6: A Full Featured Go REPL Environment — You get all the niceties you’d expect...
GitHub - evrone/go-clean-template: Clean Architecture template for Golang services
Go Clean Template — Inspired by Uncle Bob’s ‘Clean Code’ principles, this repo attempts to provide...
GitHub - go-git/go-git: A highly extensible Git implementation in pure Go.
go-git 5.14: An Extensible Git Implementation in Pure Go — “Manipulate git repositories at low level...
GitHub - sqldef/sqldef: Idempotent schema management for MySQL, PostgreSQL, and more
sqldef 1.0: Idempotent Schema Management for Databases — A Go-powered CLI tool and WASM library for...
Testing concurrent code with testing/synctest - The Go Programming Language
Testing Concurrent Code with testing/synctest — Concurrency is one of Go’s natural strengths, but testing heavily...
GitHub - fredrikaverpil/godoc.nvim: Fuzzy search Go docs from within Neovim
godoc.nvim: Fuzzy Search Go's Docs from Neovim — Adds a quick way to search and browse...
GitHub - michal-laskowski/wax: Generate HTML on the server side with TSX/JSX templates in Go
WAX: JSX-Based Server-Side Rendering for Go — Generate server-side HTML with TSX/JSX templates in Go.
GitHub - HugoSmits86/nativewebp: Native webp encoder for Go
nativewebp: Native WebP Image Support for Go — WebP is a modern raster graphics format commonly...
GitHub - GianlucaP106/minecraft: Minecraft clone from scratch with only OpenGL
Minecraft From Scratch: A Simple Go Minecraft Clone — A fun project to replicate Minecraft’s infinite,...
GitHub - gnolang/bounties: The bounties repo is a place to provide detailed information on the Bounty Program and how to get involved. bounties can be found on the main G... Offers Grants & Bounties for Building Go-Powered Decentralized Apps — App builders, Go enthusiasts, tinkerers:...
GitHub - vjerci/gochromecast: A simple tool to stream your media to android TV or chromecast device
GoChromecast: Discover Devices and Stream Media to Chromecast Devices — A Go-powered tool that implements the...
How to manage tool dependencies in Go 1.24+ - Alex Edwards
How to Manage Tool Dependencies in Go 1.24+ — We’ve touched on the new go tool...
Extensible Wasm Applications with Go - The Go Programming Language
Extensible Wasm Applications with Go — “… the ability to build a WASI reactor and export...
Go slice gotchas
Go Slice Gotchas — “Just like any other dynamically growable container structure, slices come with a...
Go 1.24 is released! - The Go Programming Language
Go 1.24 Released — Finally, after many months of blog posts getting excited about Go 1.24’s...
GitHub - noneback/go-taskflow: A pure go General-purpose Task-parallel Programming Framework with integrated visualizer and profiler
go-taskflow: A Taskflow-Like DAG Task Execution Framework — A general-purpose task-parallel framework for Go, suitable for...
GitHub - viccon/sturdyc: A caching library with advanced concurrency features designed to make I/O heavy applications robust and highly performant
sturdyc: Caching Library with Advanced Concurrency Features — “A sturdy gopher shielding data sources from rapidly...
Eliminating Shadow Access: The Hidden Dangers of SSH and API Keys — Static keys create hidden security...
OpenTelemetry: A Guide to Observability with Go | Blog
OpenTelemetry: A Guide to Observability with Go — A thorough introduction with plenty of code examples.
We Replaced Our React Frontend with Go and WebAssembly - Dagger
We Replaced Our React Frontend with Go and WebAssembly — Even if you wouldn’t want to...
Bring Your Own Cloud Kafka-Compatible Data Streaming
Reduce Your Apache Kafka Costs + Ops Burden With WarpStream — WarpStream reduces Kafka costs by...
Minesweeper by imprity
A Minesweeper Game Written in Go — A cute example of putting together a game in...
Complete Go — Exclusive Workshop
Upcoming Workshop on Building Backend Web Apps in Go — Join us for a two day...
GitHub - anistark/feluda: Detect license usage restrictions in your project!
Feluda: A Tool to Analyze the Licences of Dependencies — It’s a Rust-powered project but which...