~golangweekly | Bookmarks (137)
GitHub - rudransh61/Physix-go: A simple Physics engine in GoLang
Physix.go: A Simple Physics Engine for Go — An interesting project from a high school student...
GitHub - MuhammadSaim/goavatar: A lightweight Go package to generate unique, symmetric identicons based on an input string. Easily integrate with your Go project to create visual avatars for users.
Goavatar: Generate Unique, Symmetric Identicons Based on a String — Given a string (like a username, say),...
GitHub - mus-format/mus-go: MUS format serializer for Golang
mus-go: MUS Format Serialization Library — MUS is a binary serialization format focused on simplicity.
Welcome to golangci-lint v2
golangci-lint v2: A Fast Linter Runner for Go — A tool for running Go code linters...
GitHub - benbaker76/go-profile: A port of Brendan Gregg's eBPF profile.py application to Golang.
go-profile: A Port of Brendan Gregg's eBPF profile.py — eBPF opens up a way to do...
GitHub - boyter/gocodewalker: Library to help with walking of code directories in go
gocodewalker: A Way to 'Walk' Directories of Code — If you want to walk through a...
Golang on the PlayStation 2
Go on the PlayStation 2 — If you like tinkering with consoles and shoe-horning Go into...
Faster interpreters in Go: Catching up with C++ — PlanetScale
How and Why PlanetScale Built a VM in Go — PlanetScale is a well known cloud...
The right way to do data fixtures in Go — brandur.org
The Right Way to Do Data Fixtures in Go — If you don’t have a strategy...
GitHub - deckarep/golang-set: A simple, battle-tested and generic set type for the Go language. Trusted by Docker, 1Password, Ethereum and Hashicorp.
golang-set: A Simple, Well-Tested, Generic Set Type — “Until Go has sets built-in…use this.” The latest...
Traversal-resistant file APIs - The Go Programming Language
Traversal-Resistant File APIs — Among the lesser known new features in recent versions of Go are...
Were multiple return values Go's biggest mistake?
Were Multiple Return Values a Mistake for Go? — An interesting technical post critiquing the effects...
Build a Fullstack App with Vanilla JS and Go — Exclusive Workshop
📅 Live Workshop: Build Production-Ready Apps with JavaScript & Go — Join Maximiliano Firtman next week...
cmd/compile: slow escape analysis in large package in the typescript compiler · Issue #72815 · golang/go
TypeScript's Go Port Already Leading to Optimizations for Go — Last week’s big news was about...
Go Structs and Interfaces Made Simple
Go Structs and Interfaces Made Simple — An introduction (or refresher) of Go’s core building blocks...
cznic / doomgeneric · GitLab
doomgeneric: Doom, Ported to Go? — If classic 90s FPS Doom can be ported to JavaScript...
DiceDB - an open-source, fast, reactive, in-memory database optimized for modern hardware.
DiceDB: A Reactive, In-Memory Database Optimized for Modern Hardware — A new Go-powered database! Dice is a...
GitHub - alecthomas/participle: A parser library for Go
Participle: A Simple Library for Defining Parsers — Provides a straightforward yet idiomatic way to define...
A 10x Faster TypeScript - TypeScript
TypeScript's Compiler to Get 10x Faster, Thanks to Go — TypeScript has shaken up the JavaScript...
GitHub - objectbox/objectbox-go: Embedded Go Database, the fast alternative to SQLite, gorm, etc.
ObjectBox Go 1.9: A Fast, Embedded Database for Go Objects — Store objects in ObjectBox and...
GitHub - go-vgo/robotgo: RobotGo, Go Native cross-platform RPA and GUI automation @vcaesar
RobotGo: Native Cross-Platform GUI Automation — A way to control the pointer, keyboard, read the screen,...
gno.land Introduction Workshop
Sign Up for a Workshop to Get Started Building Go-Powered Decentralized Apps — App builders, Go...
Cursor for Large Projects
Using Cursor for Large Projects — If you’ve tried using tools like Cursor to write Go...
Why Go? · microsoft/typescript-go · Discussion #411
Why Reimplement TypeScript's Compiler in Go? — Many people have been asking why Microsoft is porting...