Are AI agents the future of observability?
Since releasing the Xata Agent, our Postgres AI expert, one of the most common questions we’ve...
Evolving Scala
Monday 24 March 2025 Martin Odersky and Haoyi Li BLOG There is always ongoing discussion about...
Land ahoy: leaving the Sea of Nodes · V8
V8’s end-tier optimizing compiler, Turbofan, is famously one of the few large-scale production compilers to use...
ReactOS 0.4.15 released
We are pleased to announce the release of ReactOS 0.4.15! This release offers Plug and Play...
Database Protocols Are Underwhelming
If you’ve been in this trade for a while, you have probably seen dozens of debates...
Holograms, light-leaks and how to build CSS-only shaders - Robb Owen
I might be understating it a bit, but WebGL is a big deal. You only need...
Everyone quotes command line arguments the wrong way
At one time or another, we all need to pass arbitrary command line arguments to some...
Non-Obvious Haskell Idiom: Conditional For
The most recent case in which I encountered this idiom was code that added an http...
GPSTracker - A self-hosted alternative to Google Maps Timeline
I used to love the Google Maps Timeline when it came out some years ago. A...
What are you doing this week? | Lobsters
What are you doing this week? Feel free to share! Keep in mind it’s OK to...
Golang on the PlayStation 2
I always wanted to do some weird stuff with consoles. I’m not sure why, but making...
Figma’s not a design tool — it’s a Rube Goldberg machine for avoiding code
Somewhere, a designer is meticulously adjusting auto-layout settings in Figma — crafting an intricate set of...
GitButler's new patch based Code Review (Beta)
Today we’re launching the beta of our brand new way to do better code review.Reviewing a...
Exploring Ruby Ractors
“I paid for 10 cores, I’m gonna use 10 cores!”I set out today for a silly...
VIC 20 Ultima III
VIC 20 Ultima III Unofficial Port by Aleksi Eeben, released on 20 March 2025 The Legacy...
Avoid building a security treadmill
Recently, a ticket came across my desk asking for help with stopping people from using a...
Notes on coreutils in Rust · Alex Gaynor
Sat, Mar 22, 2025 Canonical recently announced that they’re on the path to switching the coreutils...
OSDay 2025 - Why Choose to Use the BSDs in 2025
This is the text underlying my presentation at OSDay 2025, held on 21 March 2025 in...
A USB interface to the "Mother of All Demos" keyset
In the early 1960s, Douglas Engelbart started investigating how computers could augment human intelligence: "If, in...
A Brief Introduction to Esoteric Programming Languages
Also see Comments
Deep vs Shallow Go interfaces
I recently read A Philosophy of Software Design by John Ousterhout (of Tcl/Tk, Raft, Sprite fame)....
Mikrotik to Ubiquiti – Peter Hicks' Blog
After leaving the networking industry in 2013, I decided to replace the Cisco network equipment at...
Why did you need to change 8 files to add one checkbox?
Recently, I heard someone complaining that "this language is so stupid. Why do I need to...
Optimizing by 170,000%(!) by not being silly - Ayende @ Rahien
I care about the performance of RavenDB. Enough that I would go to epic lengths to...
RDEL #84: What influences developers' trust in adopting AI-assisted coding tools?
Welcome back to Research-Driven Engineering Leadership. Each week, we pose an interesting topic in engineering leadership...
Custom VC-Focused Emacs Functions I Created to Enhance My Git Workflow | Rahul's Blog
As much as anyone else, I love and use MAGIT. It’s an incredibly powerful tool, and...
Why do people default to React and JavaScript for frontend and UIs? | Lobsters
As a backend developer whose frontend experience is mostly from using Phoenix and Django that utilize...