~frontendfocus | Bookmarks (267)
Possible Future CSS: Tree-Counting Functions and Random Values
Possible Future CSS: Tree-Counting Functions and Random Values — A look at two possible CSS features...
How should <selectedoption> work?
How Should <selectedoption> Work? — A new HTML element! We’re getting a way to style and...
Build a daily workout tracker with Clerk, Convex, and Expo
Build a Daily Workout Tracker with Clerk, Convex, and Expo — "Daily Reps" is a workout...
State of CSS 2024
📊 The State of CSS 2024 Survey Results — Sacha Greif notes how 2024 may go...
So, Your CMS Blew Up. Any Decent WordPress Alternatives Out There?
So, Your CMS Blew Up. Any Decent WordPress Alternatives Out There? — No matter which side of...
Prompt, Run, Edit, and Deploy Full-Stack Web Apps with bolt.new — StackBlitz recently released in-browser AI...
GitHub - Amer-Jabar/khoshnus: A library to bring life to your web writings!
Khoshnus: A Library to 'Bring Life' to SVG Text — A library for ‘bringing life to...
CSS Spring Easing Generator
CSS Spring Easing Generator: Make Generating Spring Easings More Intuitive — The tool allows you to...
GitHub - MarketingPipeline/Emoji-Fallback.js: Provide support for emojis on ALL web browsers!
Emoji-Fallback.js: Provide Support for Emojis on All Browsers — Replaces emoji characters with emoji images on...
GitHub - gabrielpetersson/fast-grid: World's most performant DOM-based web table.
fast-grid: The 'World's Most Performant' DOM-Based Web Table — A bold claim for sure, but you...
GitHub - arturbien/balloons-js: 🎈 Animated balloons effect for your website
balloons-js: An Animated Balloons Effect for Your Site — Try it here. Definitely needs a plugin...
Issues · web-platform-tests/interop
The Proposed Interop 2025 Focus Areas — A few weeks back we mentioned how ideas and...
Color Thief
Color Thief: Grab Color Palettes from Images in JavaScript — Given an image, this uses canvas...
STDF - 移动 web 组件库
STDF: Mobile Web Component Library Built with Svelte & Tailwind — Based on the standard Web Components...
HTML for People
HTML for People — An approachable, friendly set of teachings around creating HTML pages, going from...
Introducing Gitpod Flex: Automating the software development lifecycle - Blog
Announcing Gitpod Flex — Gitpod Flex automates your full dev environment—yes, including tools and secrets. Speed...
CSS { In Real Life } | I’ve Been Doing Blockquotes Wrong
'I’ve Been Doing Blockquotes Wrong' — If you skipped past HTML for People above because you’re...
An Abridged History of Safari Showstoppers - Webventures
An Abridged History of Safari Showstoppers — The ‘receipts’ to prove that Safari on iOS is...
Why GOV.UK's Exit this Page component doesn't use the Escape key
Why GOV.UK’s 'Exit This Page' Component Doesn’t Use the 'Escape' Key — The considerations behind a...
WordPress Drama Explained (and How it May Affect Your Website)
WordPress Drama Explained (and How it May Affect Your Site) — Yep, this is still a...
Drawing with CSS: Clay Character
▶ Drawing a Clay Character with CSS — A roughly 15 minute video tutorial that touches upon...
⚠️ .io domain^1 likely being phased-out^2 — seven suggested steps Good article in The Verge summarizing recent .io related events, see that for more context if this is news to you: * https://www.th...
.io Domain Likely Being Phased-out? Seven Suggested Steps — I’m still not wholly convinced this will...
Build A Static RSS Reader To Fight Your Inner FOMO — Smashing Magazine
Build a Static RSS Reader to Fight Your Inner FOMO — A look at creating a...