~rubyweekly | Issue 729 - Making Ruby faster with more Ruby and less C (11)
Ruby Evolution
Ruby Evolution: New Ruby Features Added in 2.0 → 3.3 — First launched a couple of...
Speeding up Ruby by rewriting C… in Ruby
Speeding Up Ruby by Rewriting C.. in Ruby? — A fascinating look at Ruby performance and...
Interview with Yukihiro Matz Matsumoto at Baltic Ruby
▶ An Interview with Yukihiro 'Matz' Matsumoto — Ruby’s creator Matz was interviewed at the recent Baltic...
Rails is better low code than low code
Rails is Better 'Low Code' Than 'Low Code' — Radan plays out parallel story arcs for...
Overriding Methods in Rails: A No-Code-Editing Approach — How to override a class or instance method...
What you need to know about SQLite
What You Need to Know About SQLite — Lessons on what the SQLite database engine can...
Mission Control — Jobs 1.0 released
Mission Control Jobs 1.0 Released — A dashboard and set of extensions that improve the operation...
Building a Better Ruby ORM for Time Series and Analytics
Building a Better Ruby ORM for Time Series and Analytics — TimescaleDB is a popular extension...
GitHub - pganalyze/pg_query: Ruby extension to parse, deparse and normalize SQL queries using the PostgreSQL query parser
pg_query 6.0: Parse, Deparse and Normalize SQL Queries with Postgres' Own Parser — Uses the actual...
GitHub - slevithan/oniguruma-to-es: Convert patterns from Oniguruma (the regex engine used by Ruby, TextMate grammars, etc.) to native JavaScript RegExp
Oniguruma-to-ES: Convert Patterns from the Oniguruma Regex Engine to Native JS — Oniguruma is a powerful...
GitHub - collectiveidea/awesome_nested_set: An awesome replacement for acts_as_nested_set and better_nested_set.
Awesome Nested Set: The Nested Set Pattern for ActiveRecord Models — Billed as a replacement for...