
api ×
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    Is there a way to implement Google Analytics and Google Adsense data to a third party dashboard usng Node.js?

    I have developed a website and I have connected it to Google Analytics and Google Adsense,...

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    Design patterns for extracting from REST APIs

    When your integration is small or just getting started, you can sometimes get away with calling...

  • Telesign’s Verify API goes all in with AI and ML to secure omnichannel growth

    Taking an AI and ML-based approach to adding contextual intelligence to APIs while consolidating omnichannel verification...

  • Reka releases Reka Core, its multimodal language model to rival GPT-4 and Claude 3 Opus

    Reka Core delivered strong scores in benchmarks covering vision and image tasks, matching or outperforming rival...

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    ETag and HTTP Caching

    One neat use case for the HTTP ETag header is client-side HTTP caching for GET requests....

  • Just a moment...

    Microsoft's Azure AI Search is now more affordable thanks to increased data capacity and adds retrieval...

  • OpenAI releases new AI fine-tuning tools: ‘vast majority of organizations will develop customized models’

    These updates are set to empower developers with unprecedented control over AI model fine-tuning, while also...

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    I need an idea to build a dynamic application on the fly

    I want to build an application where a user will be able to create his/her own...

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    Stability AI brings new clarity and power to gen AI audio with Stable Audio 2.0

    Stable Audio 2.0 introduces the ability to produce complete musical tracks with coherent musical structure and...

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    AWS adds Mistral Large model to Amazon Bedrock

    Amazon Web Services makes the Mistral Large model public on Amazon Bedrock, giving developers an advanced...

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    Show HN: Invertornot.com – API to enhance your images in dark-mode

    Make your app's dark-mode smarter with InvertOrNot. Our API predicts if an image should be inverted...

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    How to download multiple files in local system using POST API request in python rather than in ascii or binary form data?

    I struck in one scenario in which i need to download multiple files in local repository...

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    HTX / Huobi error api-signature-not-valid

    Have a problem with HTX api. i Can't succeed any request. Have "err-code": "api-signature-not-valid", "err-msg": "Signature...

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    Reporting Core Web Vitals With The Performance API — Smashing Magazine

    Reporting Core Web Vitals with the Performance API — The Performance API provides an interface to...

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    origin 'http://localhost:3000' has been blocked by CORS policy

    i have this error when i fetch data Access to XMLHttpRequest at 'http://dash.thesportk.com/api/front' from origin 'http://localhost:3000'...

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    Stack Overflow partners with Google Cloud to power developer generative AI intelligence

    Chandrasekar explained that through the OverflowAPI, Google now has continuous access to the APIs that pull...