Bookmarks (1601)

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    JPA Embeddable and inheritance with Hibernate

    I've an entity inheriting from a class with attributes, let's say E1 inherits from C1. E1...

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    ASP .NET Backend authorization middleware does not work when started with VS-Code, but works when started with "dotnet run"

    Some prerequisite information: dotnet version: 7.0.36 Now to my problem: I was working on my project...

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    Failed to resolve assembly: 'System.Data.Common, Version=, Culture=neutral, ...'

    I am getting the below error in jenkins. In my c# solution, i have 2 projects......

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    c++ thread function accepts class object by value: why is move constructor called?

    #include <iostream> #include <thread> template<int Num> class MyClass { public: MyClass(int val) : val_(val) {} //...

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    AWS Opensearch service auth SAML

    I have deployed an opensearch domain on the AWS OPS managed service and I want to...

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    Python Poetry dependencies in GitHub Enterprise repositories set credentials

    i am using github enterprise with it github actions. In my poetry .toml file i have...

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    How am I supposed to enter the a size-parameter to a colored plot_ly plot?

    In plotly::plot_ly, it is possible to adjust size for each point and also to color points...

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    Nginx basic auth fails with Unauthorizaed even on correct credentials

    I have an nginx proxy redirect working inside the docker container to redirect all the requests...

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    Mongodb version 6.4 of node-mongodb-native driver is having read ECONNRESET

    node version: 20.11.1 We are using MongoClient to connect to the Azure AKS pod in a...

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    How to replace a column value with a value from dictionary based on another column value

    I have the following Data Frame: ID Unique_value red_1 0 red_2 1 blue_1 1 blue_2 2...

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    Loop over items in a List<> without knowing the type?

    I'm trying to write a serializer for my classes, so that any properties are mapped to...

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    How do I catch a specific exception in JavaScript?

    In Python, you can catch a specific exception like this: try: [1, 2, 3][4] except IndexError:...

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    Uncaught TypeError on Firebase Storage

    So I was trying to get an image from firebase storage using its file name, which...

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    Support std::hex in custom operator<<

    I have written my own operator<< implementation in my Logger class: #pragma once #include <map> #include...

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    Trino Memory management and parallelism

    This is a requesting for info question and not a technical issue. An relatively new to...

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    too few arguments provided to function-like macro invocation (in included file)

    I have a Qt project Got this error in file "lab2.h" next to the line with...

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    website icon isn't showing on the desktop shortcut

    I have a website that adds a certain favicon directly from session, when i add it...

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    mysql FULLTEXT search multiple words

    I am trying to understand the MySQL fulltext search function (MATCH) and I do not understand...

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    Problem when importing into R with fixed column widths

    I am trying to import my data with fixed column widths. After the first special character...

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    React Native RCTFabric - No type or protocol named 'RCTDebuggingOverlayViewProtocol'

    After upgrading to the latest version of react-native I suddenly with RCTFabric. "react-native": "0.74.0", 1. No...

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    Make inward collision detection with phaser

    What I need to achieve is the collision detection for the smaller hitbox inside player (protagonist)...

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    how to groupby values based on matching values between 2columns using pyspark or sql

    Let's suppose we have a dataframe If we observe the data. 4-1234 and 4-1235 codes are...

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    Incorrect macro calculations with Bing API key: Correct distance from 36088 to 10117, but incorrect back calculation

    I have a problem with my macros that use a Bing API key to calculate the...

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    perl regex negative lookahead replacement with wildcard

    Updated with real and more complicated task: The problem is to substitute a certain pattern to...

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    Cannot find module "fcm-node" is nodejs ts

    I usually use the fcm-node package for sending Firebase push notifications in Node.js. However, this time, I created...

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    What is the '<<~' called in ruby, how does it work?

    Sorry if this is an obvious one but I'm really stumped as to how to find...

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    RSelenium: Unable to Extract Hrefs from Page After Button Click

    I'm trying to automate web scraping using RSelenium in R. I've successfully located and clicked a...

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    Sent image does not appear in React and laravel

    I am developing a chat application with Laravel and React. I want to send pictures in...

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    Helm translates curly braces {} into normal braces [] when passing value from values.yaml to chart

    I have a helm chart that creates the following kubernetes secret apiVersion: v1 kind: Secret metadata:...

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    I Can't Create Stripe Connect

    I have a problem when trying to create a Connect in Stripe, Stripe requires me to...

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    Fragment did not return a View from onCreateView() or this was called before onCreateView()

    In an activity, I have got two separate fragments (for simplicity let say fragment x and...

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    What happens with Github token which never expire but user no longer exists?

    I wanted to know can I still use a token and user, even if user doesn't...

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    What does the Ellipsis object do?

    I have see that when we use ellipsis (three continuous dots ...) in Python, it means...

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    HttpRequest fails on some computers, but not other - response ended prematurely

    We have a .NET 6 application which makes requests to a third party API. About a...

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    Angular PrimeNG p-dropdown dirty by default

    I'm encountering an issue with PrimeNG Dropdown component in version 13.4.1 where it appears to be...

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    "ORA-00904: "SECONDS": invalid identifier" is thrown by Oracle while running simple insert statement, but the column seconds exists in the table

    I am getting an ORA-00904 error from my Oracle database, while trying to run the following...

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    add logs to traces with ILogger (.Net web api)

    I want to add some logs to my traces using, ILogger, opentrlemetry protocol and Jaegercollector. this...

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    Targeting the child of a non-trigger element using jQuery

    $(".button").click(function() { if ($(".div").hasClass("is--active")) { $(this).find(".child").addClass("is--active"); } }); .wrapper { display: flex; padding-top: 69px; padding-right: 69px;...

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    How can I reinstall a partially installed Perl module?

    I'm running Strawberry perl on Win7 and somehow the LWP module got deleted from all my...

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    Getting No HttpMessageConverter in postman response

    public class DMSUploadImpl implements DMSUploadService { @Autowired private AccessUtill jwtUtil; @Value("${dms.upload}") String dmsUpload; @Value("${filevalidation}") String filevalidation;...

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    How to show the text and the icon on the image. jetpack compose

    Box( modifier = Modifier .fillMaxWidth() .fillMaxHeight(0.35f), ) { IconButton(onClick = {}) { Icon( modifier = Modifier.size(50.dp).background(Color.White),...

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    Is it possible to import a .js file in the index.html (on github) when the .js file is located on another server?

    I have a HTML + JS website hosted on github. This website plots data from a...

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    Sort hierarchic Parent / Child list in Python

    I have a small concern about managing hierarchy in a Parent/Child relationship in PYTHON. To give...

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    Not able to run pgAdmin

    I am not getting any object in pg admin4. I am not able to reset the...

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    Azure function v2 (python) to chunk data in a for loop does not output to blob storage

    Im trying to write a simple for loop that cut's a list into chunks within an...

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    Unable to migrate angular material 12 to 13

    I'm struggling to upgrade Angular Material 12 to 13. Issue: Running ng serve gives me this...

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    python - PackagesNotFoundError: The following packages are not available from current channels

    Im trying to install a requirements.txt file using wsl2 terminal. However i have tried lot of...

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    Transform a column with same value for rows as a unique row

    I am working in R. I've got this data frame : | Proposal | Number of...

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    How to add the web-terminal from Xterm.js library to Ruby on Rails project?

    I have a Ruby on Rails project and I need to add a web-terminal to it....

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    MagicLane QT Position Source

    I've embarked on a project involving a GPS receiver and QT, utilizing PositionSource and Magiclane. I'm...