Bookmarks (163)

  • A quick way to find out how many digits are in a number

    When you need to determine the number of digits in a number, the first approach that...

  • Let's write a piano chord visualization application - a vanilla JS beginner-friendly tutorial—part III.

    In part II (, we have learned and...

  • How Does A Dev Choose What Language To Write A Mobile App In?

    This is a memory lane piece about my first mobile app that actually made it to...

  • Best Logging libraries You Must Use with detailed Implementation

    In C#, logging is a critical aspect of application development as it helps in debugging, monitoring...

  • Java | Spring Boot - Library Upgrades Modernization

    In this article, we explore OpenRewrite by Moderne, an automated refactoring ecosystem that helps developers eliminate...

  • Caching Strategies for Ultra-High Performance in Ruby on Rails

    We will discuss cache strategies and cache stores, as well as how to expire or invalidate...

  • Better string formatting in Java with MessageFormat

    Better string formatting in Java by using MessageFormat

  • Scroll through complete life cycle of ML application developed for manufacturing facility to predict life of their product

    Predicting the Lifespan of Communication Devices : Overview of life cycle of Machine Learning project for...

  • Exploring Angular Data Binding Techniques

    What is Data Binding? Data binding is the process of synchronizing the data between the model...

  • How to Mock Static Methods With Mockito

    Learn how to mock static methods with Mockito. Master the art of unit testing for robust...

  • The Future of Architectural Visualisation

    Imagine that you are in the market for a new house or office space that either...

  • Switch Statements And Switch Expressions In Java: The differences

    Among the control flow statements in Java, Switch is arguably the most delicate. Many programmers, even...

  • The React Tower of Babel: Navigating Complexity in Javascript Development

    Some thoughts on the evolution and current state of web development in the JavaScript ecosystem.

  • The Exciting Future of VR and AI: How Technology is Changing the Game

    Few would deny that technology is not only evolving, but doing so at an accelerated pace....

  • JavaScript: Clean Code

    NB: Attached link is not mine, sharing this here for the community. A long while ago,...

  • Destructuring with default values in JavaScript

    Destructuring is a useful JavaScript ES6 feature. I am pretty sure a lot of JavaScript developers...

  • What is Lambda Architecture?

    Start writing here...Lambda architecture is a way of processing massive quantities of data (i.e “Big Data”)...

  • Mastering Feature Flag Targeting with LaunchDarkly: Leveraging Context Kinds and Attributes for Precise Control

    Mastering Feature Flag Targeting with LaunchDarkly: Leveraging Context Kinds and Attributes for Precise Control

  • Mastering Postman: Leveraging Environment Variables for Seamless CLI Collection Execution

    Mastering Postman: Leveraging Environment Variables for Seamless CLI Collection Execution

  • Primitive Data Types In Java: Understand The Core Essentials

    Explore the fundamentals of primitive data types in Java, from integers to booleans, and understand their...

  • Navigating the Troubleshooting Maze: Resolving Display Issues in Java and JavaScript Development

    Navigating the Troubleshooting Maze: Resolving Display Issues in Java and JavaScript Development

  • Problem-solving Hacks-Solving Problems by Avoidance

    Have you ever laughed hard at a good joke? Sometimes it’s just you. Other times, it’s...

  • Building Vue Components With Pug & Stylus

    This post assumes you have beginner to intermediate JavaScript & Vue knowledge, have heard of, or...

  • Alternative solutions to implement a dropdown menu

    Alternative solutions to implement a dropdown menu

  • Event-Driven Architecture with Ruby on Rails

    Ruby on Rails implementation of Event-driven architecture, EDA is a software architecture pattern that promotes the...

  • Easily deploying Azure Functions with GitHub Actions

    Setting up a GitHub Action to deploy an Azure Functions project takes minimal effort, and will...

  • How meta improved their cache consistency to 99.99999999

    In this blog we will discuss the approach used by meta to improve their cache consistency...

  • Crafting Excellence: A Comprehensive Approach to Refreshing Your Accounting Company Website

    Crafting Excellence: A Comprehensive Approach to Refreshing Your Accounting Company Website

  • Crafting Secure and Scalable Applications: Integrating Auth0, PayloadCMS, and Next.js for Authentication and Authorization

    Crafting Secure and Scalable Applications: Integrating Auth0, PayloadCMS, and Next.js for Authentication and Authorization