~rubyweekly | Issue 744 - How good different LLMs are at writing Ruby code (12)
GitHub - thoughtbot/terrapin: Run shell commands safely, even with user-supplied values
Terrapin 1.1: Run Shell Commands Safely — A little extra abstraction for running shell commands that...
GitHub - yjacquin/fast-mcp: A Ruby Implementation of the Model Context Protocol
Fast MCP: A Ruby Implementation of the Model Context Protocol — MCP (Model Context Protocol) servers...
Ruby 3.2.8 Released
Ruby 3.2.8 and 3.1.7 Released — These minor releases fix the vulnerabilities in CGI and URI...
Introducing Alarms: Get real-time alerts from any query in Honeybadger
NEW: Get Real-Time Alerts from Your Logs in Honeybadger — We just shipped a new feature...
Exploring Ruby Ractors
Exploring Ruby Ractors — Inspired by some recent posts about Ractors, John set out to see...
Introducing New Policies to Support the Growth of RubyGems
New Policies to Support the Growth of RubyGems — In response to a potential legal issue...
A Practical Guide to Postgres Isolation Anomalies and How To Tame Them
A Practical Guide to Taming Postgres Isolation Anomalies — A practical, Ruby-themed (though SQL heavy) walkthrough...
Examples of Value Objects with Ruby's Data Class — We linked to Lucian’s article on value...
Fixed-cost, Monthly Rails Maintenance by FastRuby.io
🚀 FastRuby.io Makes Your Rails Upgrade Delightfully Boring with Bonsai — The team behind RailsBump.org offers gradual,...
GitHub - picoruby/picoruby: PicoRuby is the smallest Ruby implementation for one-chip microcontrollers
PicoRuby: A Tiny Ruby Implementation for Microcontrollers — An interesting alternative mruby implementation designed to get...
Release RuboCop v1.75.0 · rubocop/rubocop
RuboCop v1.75.0: The Static Code Analyzer and Formatter — RuboCop gains improved support for Ruby 3.4....
Staff augmentation
☢️ Tech Debt, Performance or Dev Process Problems in Your App? — Our Application Assessment service...