~rubyweekly | Bookmarks (195)
CodeCare® Plus is a monthly Rails maintenance service | reinteractive
Fixed Price Monthly Code Maintenance for Rails Apps — No time to do those small but...
Monkey Patch Detection in Ruby
🙈 CRuby's Monkey Patch Detection — CRuby includes many optimizations to allow core classes representing essential concepts...
Leveraging Falcon and Rails for Real-Time Interactivity
Leveraging Falcon and Rails for Real-Time Interactivity — A thoroughly educational history of the Async gem,...
New Design for RubyGems.org - RubyGems Blog
RubyGems.org Gets a New Design — A new design is gradually rolling out to improve support...
Wikidata is a Giant Crosswalk File
Wikidata is a Giant Crosswalk File — Wikidata is the Wikipedia of structured data. Here we...
Awkward Alert: How to Ask “Why Are You Building This?” 😨 — Everyone wants to know...
GitHub - denko-rb/denko: Electronics programming in Ruby
Denko 0.14.0: Electronics / GPIO Programming in Ruby — lgpio is a wrapper around the access...
GitHub - janko/sequel-activerecord_connection: Allows Sequel to reuse Active Record's database connection
sequel-activerecord_connection 1.5: Let Sequel Reuse Active Record Connections — An extension for the popular Sequel database...
Application Monitoring & Error Tracking for Developers
Move Fast and Fix Things with Honeybadger — Honeybadger transforms your logs into rich events that...
ActiveAdmin v4 Beta: New Features, Upgrades, and How to Migrate — ActiveAdmin is one of the...
GitHub - aetherknight/recursive-open-struct: OpenStruct subclass that returns nested hash attributes as RecursiveOpenStructs
recursive-open-struct 2.0: OpenStructs in OpenStructs in OpenStructs? — An OpenStruct subclass that returns nested hash attributes...
GitHub - strzibny/invoice_printer: Super simple PDF invoicing
InvoicePrinter 2.4: Super Simple PDF Invoicing — A server, command line program and pure Ruby library...
Rails World 2024 Recap - All talks now online!
Rails World 2024 Recap: All Talks Now Online — Rails World was a resounding success (save...
Hacking Scale | Better Stack | Substack
Become a Better Engineer in Less Than 5 Minutes a Week — Hacking Scale is a bi-weekly...
RubyConf 2024 – Chicago, IL – November 13–15, 2024: Sign-up to learn when more information about RubyConf is available!
Join RubyConf24 Nov 13-15 for Sessions, Workshops, and Keynotes! — Meet your #RubyFriends, learn, and have fun!...
Design Patterns in Ruby
Design Patterns in Ruby — A list of structural, behavioral, and creational patterns, each with an...
Let's Read - Eloquent Ruby - Ch 20
📗 Let's Read Eloquent Ruby: Chapter 20 — In 2011, Russ Olsen released the fantastic Eloquent Ruby,...
Exclusive Rubyconf Chicago Dinner: Network with Industry Leaders
RubyConf Chicago Dinner: Exclusive Industry Leaders Networking Invite — Join reinteractive for an exclusive dinner at RubyConf...
GitHub - fractaledmind/prompts: Beautiful and user-friendly forms for your command-line Ruby applications.
Prompts: User-Friendly Forms/Inputs for Command-Line Ruby Apps — If you’re building a basic CLI app and...
Mastodon 4.3
Mastodon 4.3: The Federated, Self-Hosted Microblogging App — Mastodon is the most widely deployed Rails app...
GitHub - lazaronixon/authentication-zero: An authentication system generator for Rails applications.
Authentication Zero 4.0: Auth System Generator for Rails — Rather than being an authentication library, this...
GitHub - ankane/neighbor: Nearest neighbor search for Rails
Neighbor: Nearest Neighbor Search for Rails — Now supporting Postgres, SQLite, MariaDB and MySQL, you can...
Ruby 3.4.0 preview2 Released
Ruby 3.4.0 Preview 2 Released — The preview releases leading up to final Christmas Day Ruby...
Fireside Chat with DHH, Matz and Tobias Lütke - Rails World 2024
▶ Fireside Chat with DHH, Matz and Tobias Lütke — Matz and DHH shared a stage for...