~postgresweekly | Bookmarks (106)
FerretDB 2.0 GA: Open Source MongoDB alternative, ready for production | FerretDB Blog
FerretDB 2.0: An Open Source MongoDB Alternative — MongoDB!? What if I told you this is...
GitHub - dbfixtures/pytest-postgresql: This is a pytest plugin, that enables you to test your code that relies on a running PostgreSQL Database. It allows you to specify fixtures for PostgreSQL pro...
pytest-postgresql 7.0: A Pytest Plugin for Testing Postgres-Using Python Apps — A plugin for the Pytest...
GitHub - sqldef/sqldef: Idempotent schema management for MySQL, PostgreSQL, and more
sqldef 1.0: Idempotent Schema Management for Databases — A Go-powered CLI tool and WASM library for...
Postgres OnLine Journal
New Random Functions in Postgres 17 — Postgres 17 introduced some new random number generation functions...
Validating Data Types from Semi-Structured Data Loads in Postgres with pg_input_is_valid | Crunchy Data Blog
Validating Data Types from Semi-Structured Data Loads — Postgres 16 and up offer the pg_input_is_valid function,...
PostgreSQL Development Conference 2025
PGConf.dev 2025: May 13-16 in Montréal, Canada — The successor event to PGCon, the PostgreSQL Development...
POSETTE: An Event for Postgres 2025
The Schedule is Out for POSETTE: An Event for Postgres! — POSETTE 2025, a free &...
Postgres query plan visualization tools - pgMustard
A Roundup of Postgres Query Plan Visualization Tools — The EXPLAIN command, along with its many...
While Postgres Redlined, Robinhood Sharded to Scale
While Postgres Redlined, Robinhood Sharded to Scale — A short write up, from an engineer who...
Postgres as a Graph Database: (Ab)using pgRouting
(Ab)using pgRouting to Use Postgres as a Graph Database — pgRouting is an extension for providing...
PostgreSQL 17.4, 16.8, 15.12, 14.17, and 13.20 Released!
Postgres 17.4, 16.8, 15.12, 14.17, and 13.20 Released — This makes two bumps to all maintained...
Webinar | Proactive Postgres Practices to Prevent Performance Bottlenecks
Don’t Let Postgres Maintenance Slip Through the Cracks & Let Performance Fall Off a Cliff —...
EdgeDB is now Gel and Postgres is the Future | Gel Blog
EdgeDB is Now Gel (and Postgres is the Future) — Gel (formerly EdgeDB) is an ‘integrated...
GitHub - dalibo/pg_activity: pg_activity is a top like application for PostgreSQL server activity monitoring.
pg_activity 3.6: top-Like Activity Monitoring Tool — Much as you might use top or htop to...
The Open-Source Data Warehouse for Postgres | BemiDB
BemiDB: Zero-ETL Data Warehouse for Postgres — Open source (GitHub repo) but with a commercial angle...
Postgres in the time of monster hardware
Postgres in the Time of Monster Hardware — You might think your M4 Max is pretty...
Expanding pgai Vectorizer: SQLAlchemy and LiteLLM Make Vector Search Simple
Expanding pgai Vectorizer — pgai is Timescale’s suite of tools for making it easier to use...
Incremental Archival from Postgres to Parquet for Analytics | Crunchy Data Blog
Incremental Archival from Postgres to Parquet — Crunchy Data’s pg_parquet and pg_incremental extensions can be used...
Richard Towers | Representing graphs in Postgresql
Representing Graphs in Postgres — Postgres isn’t a graph database, but you can emulate the concepts...
PostgreSQL 18: Virtual generated columns
A Look at Virtual Generated Columns in Postgres 18 — Postgres 18 is gaining the ability...
Postgres Is
A PostgreSQL Compatibility Index to Compare Implementations — Postgres has found itself in an envious, though...
PostgreSQL 17.3, 16.7, 15.11, 14.16, and 13.19 Released!
PostgreSQL 17.3, 16.7, 15.11, 14.16, and 13.19 Released — A raft of updates to all maintained...
How about trailing commas in SQL?
How About Trailing Commas in SQL? — Could this be the simplest yet most requested SQL...
Scaling with PostgreSQL without boiling the ocean
Scaling Postgres without Boiling the Ocean — Postgres scales pretty far out of the box with...