~nodeweekly | Bookmarks (176)
Docxtemplater | Word, Powerpoint, Excel generation using templates in your application | docxtemplater
📄 docxtemplater: Generate docx and pptx Documents from Templates — Generate Word and PowerPoint files dynamically by...
GitHub - anistark/feluda: Detect license usage restrictions in your project!
Feluda: A Tool to Analyze the Licences of Dependencies — It’s a Rust-powered project but one...
GitHub - jkroso/parse-duration: convert a human readable duration to ms
parse-duration 2.0: Convert a Human Readable Duration to Milliseconds — You might wonder why a library...
GitHub - vercel/nft: Node.js dependency tracing utility
Node File Trace (NFT): Node Dependency Tracing Utility — A tool to determine exactly which files...
Announcing TypeScript 5.8 Beta - TypeScript
Announcing TypeScript 5.8 Beta: A Big One for Node Developers — It's unusual for a TypeScript beta...
Introducing Mentoss: The fetch mocker - Human Who Codes
Introducing Mentoss: The fetch Mocker — A new approach to mocking global fetch() calls (in both...
Standard Schema
Standard Schema: A Common Interface to Schema / Validation Libraries — From the creators of Zod,...
The modern way to write JavaScript servers
The Modern Way to Write JavaScript Servers? — The irony is that while Node popularized JavaScript...
WorkOS — Your app, Enterprise Ready.
Start Selling to Enterprise Faster with WorkOS — Add SSO, SCIM, and RBAC to your B2B...
GitHub - adaltas/node-http-status: Utility to interact with HTTP status code in Node.js
http-status: Another Way to Work with HTTP Status Codes — For example: status[418] returns "I'm a...
GitHub - Automattic/node-canvas: Node canvas is a Cairo backed Canvas implementation for NodeJS.
🎨 node-canvas 3.1: A Cairo-Backed Canvas Implementation — We recently linked to Skia Canvas, a Skia and...
My failed attempt to shrink all npm packages by 5%
A Failed Attempt to Shrink All npm Packages by 5% — What if you could shrink...
Things people get wrong about Electron
Things People Get Wrong About Electron — A proud maintainer of the wildly successful Electron cross-platform...
Troubles with multipart form data and fetch in Node.js
Troubles with Multipart Form Data and fetch in Node — One developer’s pain in debugging somethng...
How I Open-Sourced My Secret Access Tokens from GitHub, Slack, and NPM — and Who Actually Cares | Vue & Node admin panel framework
How I Open-Sourced My Secret Access Tokens from GitHub, Slack, and NPM (and Who Cared) —...
Deciding Between Heroku Alternatives
Is Heroku Still Worth It in 2025? 💸 — You might want to give this guide...
GitHub - dbos-inc/dbos-transact-ts: Ultra-Lightweight Durable Execution in TypeScript
DBOS Transact v2: Lightweight Durable Execution in TypeScript — An open source library for lightweight durable...
Bun 1.2 | Bun Blog
Bun 1.2: A Big Step Forward for the Fast JS/TS Runtime — I know it's not...
GitHub - sindresorhus/emittery: Simple and modern async event emitter
Emittery: A Simple, Modern Async Event Emitter — A small, async event emitter for Node and...
NodeBB v4.0.0 — Federate good times, come on!
NodeBB v4.0.0 Released: Node.js Powered Forums — Now almost 12 years old, NodeBB continues to offer...
Electron 34.0.0 | Electron
Electron 34.0.0 — The JS, HTML and CSS desktop app framework updates to Chromium 132, Node...
Radar — WorkOS
Protect Against Bots, Fraud, and Abuse in Real Time — WorkOS Radar protects your app with...
Announcing ArkType 2.0
ArkType 2.0: Runtime Validation Library — An easy-to-deploy solution for schema validation that can infer TypeScript...
Kill Switch Hidden in npm Packages Typosquatting Chalk and C...
Kill Switch Hidden in npm Packages Typosquatting Chalk and Chokidar — Recent research has found several malicious...