~betterdevlink | Bookmarks (132)
Memory: the forgotten history
Memory: The Forgotten History This article explores the historical development of memory in computing, from the...
A Day in the Life: The Global BGP Table
A Day in the Life: The Global BGP Table Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) is the routing...
against /tmp – Tony Finch
against /tmp Why using /tmp to store file is a usually a bad idea.
Build your own personal SIRI with LLAMA-3 like a PRO! 🧙♂️ 🪄
Build your own personal SIRI with LLAMA-3 like a PRO! In this easy-to-follow tutorial, you will...
GitHub - serpapi/nokolexbor: High-performance HTML5 parser for Ruby based on Lexbor, with support for both CSS selectors and XPath.
nokolexbor High-performance HTML5 parser for Ruby based on Lexbor, with support for both CSS selectors and...
GitHub - danini-the-panini/mittsu: 3D Graphics Library for Ruby.
mittsu Mittsu is a 3D Graphics Library for Ruby, based heavily on Three.js
GitHub - EricSmekens/jsep: JavaScript Expression Parser
jsep a simple expression parser written in JavaScript. It can parse JavaScript expressions but not operations....
GitHub - micromark/micromark: small, safe, and great commonmark (optionally gfm) compliant markdown parser
micromark small, safe, and great commonmark (optionally gfm) compliant markdown parser
GitHub - TutteInstitute/datamapplot: Creating beautiful plots of data maps
datamapplot Creating beautiful plots of data maps
PostgreSQL Workload Analyzer — PoWA 5.0.0 documentation
PoWA performance tool compatible with all PostgreSQL versions (down to 9.4) allowing to collect, aggregate and...
GitHub - dbohdan/memsparkline: Track the RAM usage of a process and its descendants in real time
memsparkline Track the RAM usage of a process and its descendants in real time