
ios ×
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    Error Domain=AVFoundationErrorDomain Code=-11828 "Cannot Open"

    void initializePlayer(Map<String, dynamic> songData) { BetterPlayerDataSource dataSource = BetterPlayerDataSource( BetterPlayerDataSourceType.network, songData['manifestUri'] ?? '', drmConfiguration: BetterPlayerDrmConfiguration( drmType:...

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    Why app display name get truncated on iOS

    First question: I have problem with iOS app display name. I tried many solutions and I...

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    iOS404 — An overview of all of the missing web features in iOS. There’s over 60,...

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    How to prevent Stage Manager from opening multiple instances of an iOS app at the same time on iPad

    I have just tested my SwiftUI iOS 17 app with stage manager on the iPad and...

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    How to request a synchronization of a file from Files app?

    I allow the user to select a file with UIDocumentPickerViewController. The user can select for example...

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    SwiftUI TabBar show translucent effect even when scroll is over

    iOS TabBar automatically shows a blurry effect when items scroll behind it, as shown in the...

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    Deleting item of sorted data in a ForEach

    I have a ForEach that I use to display some info, sorted on it's date attribute:...

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    A disk so full, it couldn't be restored

    My younger child’s MacBook Pro was unsalvageably full. Only a complete wipe would suffice—and then Time...

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    RN 0.63 support iOS ProMotion?

    Does RN support iOS ProMotion for faster refresh rates without having to add some codes? I...

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    2048, Success and Me (2017)

    This article was originally posted on gabrielecirulli.com on May 9 2014.The last few weeks have been...

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    Oregon's New Right to Repair Law Bans 'Parts Pairing' Restrictions

    Oregon this week signed a Right to Repair bill into law, and it is notable because...

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    AVSpeechSynthesizer not working in iOS Simulator

    I am trying to use AVSpeechSynthesizer to convert text to speech in my iOS app. I...

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    SwiftUI ShareLink with custom actions

    Currently, I’m using a ShareLink to display the standard share sheet in my app. Now, I’d...

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    The issue of not being able to recognize PushType and DeliveryPriority from version 0.15.3 and onwards

    I'm using the Live activity update library successfully. Currently, I'm using version 0.15.2. However, when I...

  • Automatic contact sharing in iOS leaks emails to Lockdown Mode devices – marekfoss.org

    A few days ago I submitted the following report to Apple: When other iPhone users attempt...