~rubyweekly | Issue 740 - A fresh way to package Ruby apps as binaries (10)
RBS comments support · Sorbet
Sorbet Adds Support for RBS Comments — Long before RBS was a thing, Sorbet brought type...
Compile Ruby apps with Tebako
Compiling Ruby Apps to Binaries with Tebako — A look into Tebako, a tool (written in...
Valid Eval Achieves 2-5x Performance Gains, Improves Security for Ruby on Rails Architecture - FastRuby.io | Rails Upgrade Service
Tech Debt Dragging You Down? A Case Study About Bonsai — Too many security CVEs in...
TIL in CFP Coaching: How to Submit a RailsConf Talk Proposal
How to Submit a Better RailsConf Talk Proposal — The CFP for RailsConf 2025 closes tomorrow...
Dealing with (Hypothetical) Sham Packages - RubyGems Blog
Dealing with (Hypothetical) Sham Packages — A fictional-but-based-on-experience account of how a malicious version update for...
Building an Inertia app with Rails - Avo
Building an Inertia App with Rails — Get the benefits of a React-based SPA approach on...
Why Ruby on Rails still matters
Why Ruby on Rails Still Matters — You’re reading a Ruby newsletter, so you probably don’t...
Shared Hardware: How Bad Can it Get?
So About Those “Noisy Neighbors”… 😬 — Discovering some unfortunate realities of shared hardware (standard dynos??)...
GitHub - MatheusRich/rails-diff: Compare Rails-generated files with the ones in your repository
Rails::Diff: Compare Rails-Generated Files with the Ones in Your App — You might diligently upgrade your...
GitHub - jonathanyeong/bsky-parser: Bluesky text parser that outputs parsed text with rich text facets
Bsky Parser: Bluesky Text Parser That Outputs Rich Text Facets — If you’ve ever written code...