~nodeweekly | Issue 557 - Taking the JavaScript trademark fight to the USPTO (11)
Deno v. Oracle: Canceling the JavaScript Trademark
Deno v. Oracle: Cancelling the JavaScript Trademark — Did you know Oracle formally owns the ‘JavaScript’...
SQLite | Lightning fast database with zero configuration setup
A Complete Introduction to SQLite — Join Brian Holt for this video course and get to...
Node.js 22 runtime now available in AWS Lambda | Amazon Web Services
Node.js 22 Runtime Now Available in AWS Lambda — AWS’s popular serverless platform, which initially launched...
Exploring JavaScript Symbols
Exploring JavaScript Symbols — Symbols were a new ‘quirky little primitive’ (as Trevor puts it) that...
Avoiding False Positives in Node.js Tests | AppSignal Blog
Avoiding False Positives in Node.js Tests — Specifically, avoiding loose/unstrict equality checks, overly general assertions, shallow...
math.js | an extensive math library for JavaScript and Node.js
Math.js 14.0: An Extensive Math Library for Node and Browsers — Work with complex numbers, fractions,...
GitHub - nojacko/node-country-to-iso: Convert inconsistent country names and codes into ISO 3166-1 alpha-2.
🌐 country-to-iso: Convert Country Names and Codes into ISO Codes — Unexciting, but incredibly useful when you’re bombarded...
GitHub - WiseLibs/better-sqlite3: The fastest and simplest library for SQLite3 in Node.js.
Better SQLite3 11.6: Fast and Simple SQLite3 Library — We remain big fans of this easy...
GitHub - davidmarkclements/0x: 🔥 single-command flamegraph profiling 🔥
🔥 0x 5.8: Single-Command Flamegraph Profiling for Node — A tool that can profile and generate an...
Crawlee · Build reliable crawlers. Fast.
Crawlee 3.12: Web Scraping and Browser Automation Library — A mature library to handle Web crawling...
GitHub - cure53/DOMPurify: DOMPurify - a DOM-only, super-fast, uber-tolerant XSS sanitizer for HTML, MathML and SVG. DOMPurify works with a secure default, but offers a lot of configurability and h...
DOMPurify 3.2: A Fast, Tolerant XSS Sanitizer for HTML — Supports all modern browsers and is...