
ios × swift ×
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    Is it required to define NSPrivacyCollectedDataType?

    I got warning from apple when uploading my build ITMS-91053: Missing API declaration - Your app’s...

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    How to request a synchronization of a file from Files app?

    I allow the user to select a file with UIDocumentPickerViewController. The user can select for example...

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    Deleting item of sorted data in a ForEach

    I have a ForEach that I use to display some info, sorted on it's date attribute:...

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    AVSpeechSynthesizer not working in iOS Simulator

    I am trying to use AVSpeechSynthesizer to convert text to speech in my iOS app. I...

  • Debugging Audio Streaming Crash in iOS Project: Is Format Sample Rate And Channel Count Valid Error

    Debugging Audio Streaming Crash in iOS Project: Is Format Sample Rate And Channel Count Valid Error

  • How to communicate between Flutter and the host platform (Android/iOS) using pigeon

    A simple demonstration of pigeon (https://pub.dev/packages/pigeon) library. Pigeon is a code generator tool to make communication...

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    ExpressibleByIntegerLiteral with parameter pack "Cannot convert value of type 'Int' to expected argument type"

    I'm trying to create an extension for the UIView helping to activate the constraints easily. Using...

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    Show array of text like paragraph but each text will be tappable in swiftUI

    @State var content: [SuraReadModeAyath] = [] ForEach(content.indices, id: \.self) { index in let sura = content[index]...

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    Building Testable and Maintainable iOS Apps with Redux

    This guide empowers developers to navigate Redux complexities, ensuring structured, scalable, and maintainable iOS apps and...

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    Setting UV Coordinates Of Texture In Metal Programmatically Deforms Texture

    In my project I am creating Vertexes programmatically which means I am filling following struct with...