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    GitHub - Mihaiii/semantic-autocomplete: A blazing-fast semantic search React component. Match by meaning, not just by letters. Search as you type without waiting (no debounce needed). Rank by cosin...

    semantic-autocomplete: A Fast Semantic Search Component — An interesting proof of concept where you can let...

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    GitHub - FezVrasta/react-resize-aware: ⇲👁 A simple React Hook which allows to listen the resize event of any target element when it changes sizes

    react-resize-aware: A Hook That Listens to Resize Events — Detect resize events on elements without relying...

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    GitHub - rexxars/use-hot-module-reload: React hook that triggers a callback after hot-module reloading has been performed (for any module, not just the one it was used in)

    use-hot-module-reload: Trigger a Callback After Hot Module Reloading — A hook that triggers a callback after hot-module...

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    GitHub - bamlab/react-tv-space-navigation: A React Native module to handle spatial navigation for a TV application

    📺 react-tv-space-navigation: Spatial Navigation for TV Apps — “If you want to develop a TV app for...

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    GitHub - astoilkov/use-local-storage-state: React hook that persists data in localStorage

    use-local-storage-state: Like useState() But for Local Storage — A hook that persists data in localStorage while...

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    GitHub - AnyRoad/react-json-view-lite: Lightweight Json view component for React

    react-json-view-lite: Render JSON as a Tree — A lightweight component for visualizing JSON in a way...

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    GitHub - kristiandupont/react-geiger: Audiolize React performance

    React Geiger: A Way to Hear React Performance Issues — The output is hardly a mellifluous...

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    GitHub - software-mansion/react-native-svg: SVG library for React Native, React Native Web, and plain React web projects.

    React Native SVG 15: SVG Library for React Native — There’s also a compatibility layer to...

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    GitHub - react-component/tree-select: React Tree Select

    rc-tree-select: A Tree-Based Selection Component — The live demos give me retro Windows vibes.

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    GitHub - piercefreeman/mountaineer: Mountaineer is a batteries-included web framework for Python and React.

    Mountaineer: 'Batteries-Included' Framework for Python and React — JavaScript is often assumed to be powering the...

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    GitHub - monstar-lab-oss/MLVisionRN: Universal App Example using React Native for Vision Pro and IPhone (VisionOS and iOS)

    Universal App Example using React Native for Vision Pro — A universal example developed using React...

  • GitHub - OnedocLabs/react-print-pdf: Build and generate PDF using React 📄 UI kit for PDFs and print documents. Simple, reusable components and templates to create great invoices, docs, brochures. U...

    react-print-pdf: A UI Kit for PDFs and Print Documents — An abstraction for building and generating...

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    GitHub - i-like-robots/react-tag-autocomplete: ⚛️ A simple, accessible, tagging component ready to drop into your React projects (new repo)

    React Tag Autocomplete 7.2 — A flexible, accessible tagging component that makes it easy to guide...

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    GitHub - martinshaw/react-document-picture-in-picture: Feature-packed and optimised React component for Chrome's new Document Picture-in-Picture API

    react-document-picture-in-picture: A Component for an Experimental Web Picture-in-Picture API — While the Document Picture-in-Picture API does...

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    GitHub - devrnt/react-use-wizard: 🧙 A React wizard (stepper) builder without the hassle, powered by hooks.

    react-use-wizard 2.3: A Step-by-Step Wizard Builder — There are some examples on the homepage.

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    GitHub - azouaoui-med/react-pro-sidebar: React Pro Sidebar provides a set of components for creating high level and customizable side navigation

    React Pro Sidebar 1.1: Customizable Side Navigation Components — A sidebar solution which comes with a...

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    GitHub - sudheerj/reactjs-interview-questions: List of top 500 ReactJS Interview Questions & Answers....Coding exercise questions are coming soon!!

    React Interview Questions and Answers — If you’re looking for a job and preparing for interviews,...

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    GitHub - zacharyfmarion/react-native-fast-trie: Fast trie implementation written in C++ using jsi

    react-native-fast-trie: A Fast C++-Powered Trie — A fast, memory-efficient trie data structure implementation for React Native...

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    GitHub - streamich/react-use: React Hooks — 👍

    react-use: A Large Collection of Useful Hooks — A bumper packed collection, covering things from tracking...

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    GitHub - sekoyo/react-image-crop: A responsive image cropping tool for React

    React Image Crop: A Responsive Image Cropping Control — Responsive, touch enabled, keyboard accessible, and with...

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    GitHub - maslianok/react-resize-detector: A Cross-Browser, Event-based, Element Resize Detection for React

    react-resize-detector: Event-Based, Element Resize Detection — Modern browsers have native support for detecting element size changes...

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    GitHub - rpearce/react-medium-image-zoom: 🔎 🏞 The original medium.com-inspired image zooming library for React (since 2016)

    react-medium-image-zoom: Medium․com-Inspired Image Zooming — If you like the zoom-in effect that Medium has for images,...

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    GitHub - Wulf/create-rust-app: Set up a modern rust+react web app by running one command.

    Create Rust App: A Rust + React App in One Command — If you’re all aboard...

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    GitHub - prabhuignoto/react-chrono: 🕑 Modern Timeline Component for React

    ⏱ React Chrono 2: A Flexible Timeline Component — 2023 saw a complete overhaul of this popular...