~lobsters | Bookmarks (1978)
Modes Considered Harmful
Note: I originally wrote this on an internal Amazon blog in 2006. This is the original...
Pledging $300,000 to the Zig Software Foundation
My wife and I have pledged $300,0001 to the Zig Software Foundation (ZSF). The ZSF has...
Suggestion: change the "archive" link text to "caches" | Lobsters
This came up in the ffmpeg 7.1 announcement thread: their server was overwhelmed, I pointed out...
Ohm: Parsing Made Easy
Patrick Dubroy, co-author of OhmOhm is a parsing library for JavaScript, which was created at HARC...
Who's Hiring? Q4Y2024 | Lobsters
Template: **Company:** XXXXXX **Company site:** XXXXX **Position(s):** XXXXXX **Location:** XXXXXX (please specify whether REMOTE, REMOTE(US) or...
TL;DR: I have founded VoidZero Inc., a company dedicated to building an open-source, high-performance, and unified...
the rust project has a burnout problem
the number of people who have left the rust project due to burnout is shockingly high....
Bookmarklets: do you use them? If so, wanna share them? | Lobsters
I end up using bookmarklets a ton, as they just work most of the time without...
Migrating from AWS to Self-Hosting ⚡ Zig Programming Language
← Back to News page You often hear this story in tech news: some project got...