
macos ×
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    How I stopped worrying and loved Makefiles

    When I was invited for my first job interview in the IT, I’ve been asked such...

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    A disk so full, it couldn't be restored

    My younger child’s MacBook Pro was unsalvageably full. Only a complete wipe would suffice—and then Time...

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    ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'pandas' ( on Mac OS )

    I get this error when importing pandas in jupyter notebook. But I've install Pandas with the...

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    SwiftUI ShareLink with custom actions

    Currently, I’m using a ShareLink to display the standard share sheet in my app. Now, I’d...

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    LXer: Meet Lingmo OS: macOS Looking Distro with Debian Base

    Published at LXer: A new Linux distribution, Lingmo OS arrives from China, that looks like a...

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    Whats' the different brew and gem install?

    Recently while running pod repo update, it ask me CocoaPods 1.15.0 is available. To update use:...

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    Cozmo robot Python errors cv2.error: Unknown C++ exception from OpenCV code

    I am trying to run a piece of python code with my cozmo robot. I cant...

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    How can I execute a sudo command in a macOS app and persist root user privileges?

    I need to implement the following behavior in my app: When the app is run for...

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    VirtualBox on Linix HOST, add macOS Guest

    I am trying for several days to add macOS Sonoma and all my attempts failed I...

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    How to pass arguments to a macOS app from the command line?

    I have an app written in Xcode (15.2) using the XIB interface, Swift and Objective-C. I...

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    Sed command with regex: "unterminated regular expression". Max length on regex?

    I try to do a sed command with a very long regex But I get the...

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    Secure Time Synchronization on macOS

    macOS by default uses the unencrypted and unauthenticated Network Time Protocol (NTP) for time synchronization. A...

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    ld: library 'System' not found for assembly

    I am trying to write assembly on macos sonoma 14.3 on a 2020 intel macbook pro...

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    How to install Python package eelbrain on macOS

    I would like to run a TRF analysis in Python using the "eelbrain" package. I tried...

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    An alternative macOS Dock

    If you move an app to full-screen, it moves from the desktop to the full-screen area...

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    Simulate an Ubuntu-like VM inside macOS

    Yashodhan Mohan Bhatnagar·FollowThere are times, when you’re working on a remote system that has a Unix...

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    How to get the time from which the system is up in bash

    How do I get the time since the system is up in mac, uptime states the...

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    My Mac Dev Setup and Favorite Tools

    How I setup and use my computer and tools for development. I wrote this mostly as...

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    Linux and MacOS don't recognize each other's symlinks on external disks.

    Linux doesn't recognize MacOS symlinks or MacOS aliases. MacOS probably doesn't recognize Fedora symlinks, either. I'm...

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    A lightweight macOS/OS X window and app manager scriptable with JavaScript

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    sveinbjornt/Sloth: Mac app that shows all open files and sockets in use by all running processes. Nice GUI for lsof.

    Mac app that shows all open files and sockets in use by all running processes. Nice...

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    jaywcjlove/awesome-mac:  Now we have become very big, Different from the original idea. Collect premium software in various categories.

    Now we have become very big, Different from the original idea. Collect premium software in various...