
kotlin ×
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    Jetpack Compose: 'by viewModels()' vs 'viewModel<ViewModelName>()'

    What's the difference here? val myViewModel: MyViewModel by viewModels() versus val myViewModel = viewModel<MyViewModel>() How does...

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    How to write Kotlin unit test for class derived from MediaPlayer

    I have this simplified Kotlin class i'd like to write a test for: class Player: MediaPlayer()...

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    can someone help me 1 on 1 with a an android Problem that I cant explain, a stack overflow ticket is provided

    RecyclerView onDragListeners not working or reacting similar to this ticket. Drag and drop between two fragments...

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    how to use konanc to link a jar,The console shows that the jar package cannot be found

    I have a question. when i use konanc to link a jar, like that konanc -l...

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    How to fix "val cannot be reassigned" error in Jetpack Compose

    I'm new to Jetpack Compose and I need help. When trying to add a modifier to...

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    Context: The Missing Feature of Programming Languages

    Modern computer hardware is so capable that we can often simply ignore its limitations when writing...

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    They Said to Use the Default Dispatchers but I Found it Was Unconfined

    An explanation between the differences of using the default dispatcher in Kotlin coroutines, the Dispatchers.Default context...

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    How to custom full device screen app in compose

    Im learning kotlin compose, was trying to make an app which can custom display full-device-screen or...

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    How Coroutines Enable Cooperative Multitasking and Concurrency

    Coroutines are a mechanism that runs a set of instructions in a cooperative way. This means...

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    StackOverflowError on kotlin properties setter

    Once I have a class like bellow: class Mutex { var a: String? = null set(a)...

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    Why the view in Android kotlin application is not opening, however there are no errors?

    I have tried to make an Adroid application in Kotlin by tutorial on youtube. It is...

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    Android URLSpan clickable outside of bounds

    I've just discovered that my URLSpan at the end of Spannable is clickable outside text bounds...

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    im taking all file access in android kotlin app,but my app got rejected from play store

    Stack Overflow community, I've developed an Android app in Kotlin that fetches call recordings from the...

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    Video not playing after compressing video in Android(kotlin) app using AbedElazizShe / LightCompressor Library

    I want to compress the video selected by user in my app. For this i found...

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    LazyColumn not updating after adding new item to list

    I'm working on an app that tracks cars at a valet. My issue is that upon...

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    jacoco not generating test coverage report

    `task jacocoTestReport(type: JacocoReport, dependsOn: ['testDebugUnitTest']) { group = "Reporting" description = "Generate JaCoCo coverage reports" def...

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    How does Java work with a Kotlin ByteArray within a generic type (e.g. CompletableFuture)?

    I am converting a code base from Java to Kotlin. The existing code base is heavily...

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    How to add VLC-Android as a module/library to my current android project?

    Vlc-Android source code link: https://code.videolan.org/videolan/vlc-android#project-structure my requirement is to add this library as a module/library in...

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    Is there an analogue of assertAll for the check method in Kotlin?

    junit has assertAll which allows you to perform all the required checks without throwing an exception...

  • How to communicate between Flutter and the host platform (Android/iOS) using pigeon

    A simple demonstration of pigeon (https://pub.dev/packages/pigeon) library. Pigeon is a code generator tool to make communication...

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    How do I open an app if it isn't open already

    I have an app which locks you're phone for specified amount of time and doesn't allow...

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    Micronaut Repository - cannot inherit from final class

    I encountered an error with one of my repository classes where I'm using JdbcOperations. This issue...

  • Comparing coroutines, by example, in Kotlin and Python

    Comparing Coroutines, by Example, in Kotlin and Python This series of 3 articles compares Python and...