
java × spring-boot ×
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    Take maven spring profile from jenkins pipeline

    I have a problem with a jenkins pipeline on a maven spring boot project using spring...

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    How to force grouping the lessons for the same series of students in the same Timeslot and the same Room Timefold/Optaplanner?

    I want to enforce the student groups from the same series of students to be in...

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    How to set ssl context dynamically in resttemplate or restclient?

    I have created a rest template with connection pooling and ssl context as Bean.. But I...

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    Spring 3 - Security: How to rebuild authManager () usage?

    I try to go from Spring-Boot 2.7 to 3.1 - its regarding Security. What I have...

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    Two rabbitmq queues with exactly same configuration one of them is not created automatically (Spring Boot 3 RabbitMQ)

    I have 2 queues beans declared in one spring boot module, both queues have exactly same...

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    Spring Boot 3 Data Jpa Methods Not working

    My Entity Structure import com.application.authserver.core.jpa.entity.AbstractBusinessUnitJpaEntity; import jakarta.persistence.Column; import jakarta.persistence.Entity; import jakarta.persistence.Index; import jakarta.persistence.Table; import lombok.*; import...

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    Spring boot oracle 11g sequence stored is different from the value shown in the model

    Hi i am using spring boot (2.7.9) and java 11. My database is Oracle 11g(Pretty old)...

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    Leveraging JMX for Efficient Debugging, Revisited

    Learn how to leverage JMX and Spring Boot for advanced debugging and management, enabling efficient monitoring...

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    One of my mock instance is null when the others are properly initialized

    I am having trouble passing dependency to test my test class. Using Junit 5 @ExtendWith(MockitoExtension.class) @MockitoSettings(strictness...

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    Is there any way to do repository patterns with Firebase?

    I'm migrating my Spring Boot app to Firebase from SQL. In MySQL or MongoDB, we have...

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    Access from front end to backend block by CORS policy

    Hi so im new to programming. i have been done a project with 1 guys and...

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    How to make UserDetailsService throw custom exception when user is not found Spring boot?

    I'm working on a Spring Boot application where I'm implementing user authentication using Spring Security. I...

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    Can't get data of authenticated path - Springboot JWT Auth

    I have a basic demo of JWT Auth, In which I am able to register, login...

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    Search operation in jsonb column using Spring data jpa and CriteriaQuery

    I have one Postgres SQL query that will perform search operation inside array of values of...

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    Is there a way to use a Spring managed bean and customize it to my usecase

    I have a usecase as described below. I am defining a webclient.builder like below. @Bean(“customBuilder) Public...

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    Kurento groupcall - websocket connection failed

    I'm trying to set up groupcall in my webapp using kurento tutial for group calls. In...

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    Updating an entity with Spring Data JPA without explicitly setting each field

    I have an entity in my Spring Boot application with a version column annotated with @Version...

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    Spring Java shuts down right after initializing

    Hi everyone and tysm for your time :) This is my first Spring Java project and...

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    Docker Compose with Java Spring Boot and Apache Kafka (KRaft without Zookeeper)

    I'm trying to send some event to topic "helloworld" from Spring Boot Producer to Apache Kafka...

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    Unsupported class file major version 65 with Java21 and Springboot 3.2.1 while generating tests with Spring Cloud Contract Verifier

    I'm having an issue on a Springboot project I'm following Environment: Temurin Java21 (also happens with...

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    How to Use Resilience4j for Ratelimiters

    Resilience4j is a lightweight library for building fault-tolerant Java applications. It offers several modules for addressing...

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    Bundling React (Vite) with Spring Boot

    ☕️  Bundling React with Spring Boot — If you work (or need to work) in the...

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    Partial Update using Spring Boot

    I am working on a Java Spring Boot project. I have an entity that has 20...

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    Custom Annotation-Based Authorization and Headers Propagation in Spring Boot microservices

    AspectJ custom annotation-based authorization and headers propagation using request scoped bean in Spring Boot microservices