
java ×
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    Pagination for data over 20000 results

    I have 20000 records coming from server (Salesforce) I am limiting only 5000 records per a...

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    Deserializing an array when using lombok

    I have a class containing an array of objects, and get the following exception when attempting...

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    How to force grouping the lessons for the same series of students in the same Timeslot and the same Room Timefold/Optaplanner?

    I want to enforce the student groups from the same series of students to be in...

  • YETI programming language

    Yeti is ML style functional programming language, that runs on the JVM. message = "Hello world";...

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    Approperiate tools and ways to write automated API testing in Java with login page

    I want to write automated API tests (in Java) for our micro-service. There are a lot...

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    Java Polymorphism & Object Assignment

    I'm new to Java and doing an exercise sheet, but there's something I could not understand....

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    how to use konanc to link a jar,The console shows that the jar package cannot be found

    I have a question. when i use konanc to link a jar, like that konanc -l...

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    Kafka consumer handling an exception with external api

    I have a work scenario that follows as such Producer loads data from a data lake...

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    Java keystore.load(null, null) very slow in Windows 10

    The loading of keystore in Windows is very slow. It takes around 10 seconds to load...

  • How to Mock Static Methods With Mockito

    Learn how to mock static methods with Mockito. Master the art of unit testing for robust...

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    How to speed up the While loop

    I am writing a Spigot plugin that, upon death, should revive the player in a random...

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    How to Read Status from InputStream of ESC/POS Printer in Java 17?

    I'm working on integrating a printer (TG2480-H) functionality into my Java 17 application using the ESC/POS...

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    Software Thrives Unless You Kill it First: Premature Optimization and a Tale of Java GC

    Don't go over the board with optimizations, let the language work for you. Story tell. Java...

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    C# Secure Messaging decryption method

    I'm trying to implement this decryption method from java to c#: https://github.com/ecsec/open-ecard/blob/f66ae48e7bbb2bb27a524e12d3febabf162c17c7/ifd/ifd-protocols/pace/src/main/java/org/openecard/ifd/protocol/pace/SecureMessaging.java#L198C3-L198C90 /** * Decrypt the...

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    Spring Security invalidates its own csrf token

    I am trying to secure my spring boot application with spring securitys own csrf library. When...

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    Broken bar does not supported when I sent JMS byte message to IBMMQ Cics

    Our application connects to IBM MQ CICS using JMS. It sends the CIH header, program name,...

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    JpaSystemException using Criteria, DB2zDialect and Pagination

    so I have the following setup of a spring-boot application: org.springframework.boot:spring-boot-starter:3.2.4 com.ibm.db2:jcc: java.version=21 org.hibernate.orm:hibernate-core:6.4.4.Final connecting to...

  • Switch Statements And Switch Expressions In Java: The differences

    Among the control flow statements in Java, Switch is arguably the most delicate. Many programmers, even...

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    Dynamically identify regex pattern from given List of Strings

    Dynamically identify regex pattern from the given list of String abc12345 abc22434 abcewewew abc232323 If you...

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    Im curious how array indexing works here because this works but im confused why

    public Polynomial add(Polynomial other){ int max = Math.max(coefficients.length, other.coefficients.length); int[] newPoly = new int[max]; for (int...

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    How to set ssl context dynamically in resttemplate or restclient?

    I have created a rest template with connection pooling and ssl context as Bean.. But I...

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    Intermittently getting java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: net/schmizz/sshj/common/DisconnectReason in sshj-0.35.0.jar

    We have a networking service which runs inside a container and needs to execute commands on...

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    Spring 3 - Security: How to rebuild authManager () usage?

    I try to go from Spring-Boot 2.7 to 3.1 - its regarding Security. What I have...