
data science ×
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    How to use deep learning for automated color tagging of products? (2022)

    21 October, 2022Last edit 22 November, 2022Tags or labels are very useful for finding pictures on...

  • Scroll through complete life cycle of ML application developed for manufacturing facility to predict life of their product

    Predicting the Lifespan of Communication Devices : Overview of life cycle of Machine Learning project for...

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    Welcome to Medium

    Hi. I’m Tony, CEO of Medium. Welcome! I’ve been writing on Medium since it launched in...

  • What is Lambda Architecture?

    Start writing here...Lambda architecture is a way of processing massive quantities of data (i.e “Big Data”)...

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    Beyond AI: How Nvidia is helping scale quantum computing

    The company today launched Quantum Cloud, which allows users to build and test new quantum apps...