
azure ×
  • Why LLMs are predicting the future of compliance and risk management

    Companies leading the race to integrate LLMs into compliance and risk management are using smaller, more...

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    Using response from Previous Task Durable Task Framework

    I'm writing a project which is event based using Durable Task Framework. Below One is the...

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    Azure Event Hub Connection when creating Event Hub Trigger with function app in Terraform

    I am trying to provision a function inside azure function app using terraform and using event...

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    Telnet through Windows Server

    I have launched a Windows Server and my application is running on port 5000 and I...

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    Resource Provider for AKS Backup Vault

    What is Resource Provider for AKS Backup Vault ? Is it "Microsoft.ContainerService" OR "Microsoft.DataProtection" OR "Microsoft.BackupVault"...

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    API call to get Azure File Share storage details via PowerShell not working

    I’m attempting to retrieve detailed information from an Azure File Share (The used Capacity using a...

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    Terraform Pipeline Key Vault secret deployment with Private Endpoint

    We are deploying Azure Key Vaults with secrets in DevOps pipeline with terraform. In key vault...

  • Easily deploying Azure Functions with GitHub Actions

    Setting up a GitHub Action to deploy an Azure Functions project takes minimal effort, and will...

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    Bicep Validation Error: Storage account does not accept BlockBlobStorage ask SKU

    Im trying to create a storage account with bicep in West Europe. I get the following...

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    Store logs from appservice to Application Insights

    I have some errors in Application Insights when try storing logs to Application Insights AI: ApplicationInsights...

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    Application Registration stops working in Azure DevOps, despite "Basic" license being assigned

    I have an Application Registration setup, and am using it to programtically read some information from...

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    BadGateway when connecting to blob storage with SFTP through Logic App (Standard)

    I'm creating a new FTP connection within a Logic App (Standard). I've connected to blob storages...

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    ADF DataFlow Data Preview showing 'No Output Data'

    I am trying to preview the data in DataFlow, but it says that there is no...

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    Client Application with Azure Oauth2 Login and access secure backend API which accesses another secure API

    I am currently struggling with some web applications I would like to have protected with an...

  • Using a shared access signature (SAS) to read from an Azure Blob container

    Did you know that downloading a Blob from Azure using a shared access signature (SAS) takes...

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    Cognitive Services - How to get project details through REST API?

    Is there a way to get more details about created project? For example this endpoint GET...

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    cookies are not being set with nodeJs and Varcel

    Hello everyone i am facing a really annoying bug i deployed my back end to azure...

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    When trying "Run user flow" in Azure ADB2C on Azure platform it throws: "OpenIdConnectAuthenticationHandler: message.State is null or empty"

    I created .NET8 Web app using Azure ADB2c authorization based on this tutorial: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/active-directory-b2c/configure-authentication-sample-web-app?tabs=visual-studio Log-in, log-out,...

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    How to use or activate SSL in AKS POD, IP or Domain

    how to activate SSL or have the route to my microservice have HTTPS in the URL,...

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    I am getting an error when attempting to start my Azure Function App (.NET 8/Isolated worked model) locally (VS 2022)

    I'm unable to get my Azure Function App to work in .NET 8. using Microsoft.Azure.Functions.Worker; using...

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    Unable to get secrets in Azure pipeline

    I have a python application that needs to access a secret in my Azure pipelines. When...