Bookmarks (51)

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    Rock Identification

    'Is it worth anything?' 'I dunno, is the answer to that question worth another $5?'

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    Unfortunately, SawStart is one-use-only. Once started, the blade cannot be stopped, and must be replaced with...

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    Cosmic Distance Calibration

    This is the biggest breakthrough since astronomers noticed that the little crosshairs around red giant stars...

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    Square Units

    The biggest I've seen in a published source in the wild is an 80-fold error in...

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    I know having so many base pairs makes rebasing complicated, but you're in Bilateria, so shouldn't...

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    Planet Definitions

    Under the 'has cleared its orbital neighborhood' and 'fuses hydrogen into helium' definitions, thanks to human...

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    Off By One

    It does come at the small cost of a LOT more off-by-40-or-50 errors.

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    Water Balloons

    Update: The physics department has recruited an astronomer who studies meteor fireballs.

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    It seems wrong that Fruit by the Foot is only sold by weight or by number...

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    Water Damage

    Your homeowner's insurance might cover it, but be sure to check the subductible.

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    Tall Structures

    Briefly set a new record for tallest human-made structure by getting my knit sweater snagged on...

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    Excusing Yourself

    The most awkward part is when you have to pause to put on your shoes before...

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    2040s: RNA formed the basis for life each of the five known times it arose on...

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    I can't get over the suspicion that all those viral pictures are photoshopped and 'Flemish' belongs...

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    Scream Cipher


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    Unfortunately, KM3NeT led to the discovery of the Pauli anglerfish, which emits Cherenkov radiation to prey...

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    Archive Request

    They just want researchers in the enclosure to feel enriched and stimulated. ('The Enclosure' is what...

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    They may technically have been softwoods at some point, but they definitely aren't now.

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    What's weirder is that muons turned out to be INCREDIBLY cute.

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    Incoming Asteroid

    The bottom ones are also potentially bad news for any other planets in our solar system...

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    Suspension Bridge

    As a first step, they can put in a secondary deck, to help drivers try it...

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    Rotary Tool

    It was great until my thumb slipped and I accidentally launched my telescope into the air...

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    If only my ancestors had been fortunate enough to marry into the branch of the bacteria...

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    It struggles a little with complex positions, like when there are an even number of moves...

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    Humidifier Review

    They should add a little sticker that certifies that the humidifier supports water conservation, but in...

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    Update: I've been banned from the physics department for the way I pronounce "Doppler effect."

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    T. Rex Evolution

    Unfortunately, body size and bite force continue to increase.

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    Unit Circle

    They're continuing to search for a square with the same area as the circle, as efforts...

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    Chemical Formulas

    Can you pass the nackle?

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    Human Altitude

    I wonder what surviving human held the record before balloons (excluding edge cases like jumping gaps...

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    Uncanceled Units

    Speed limit c arcminutes^2 per steradian

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    A good ²³⁸Umbrella policy should cover it.

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    Chess Zoo

    The zoo takes special care to keep kings separated from opposite-color pieces as part of their...

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    You don't want the nitrogen percentage to be too high or you run the risk of...

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    Features of Adulthood

    I don't dig pit traps and cover them with sticks and a thin layer of leaves...

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    Origami Black Hole

    You may notice the first half of these instructions are similar to the instructions for a...

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    Skew-T Log-P

    The most important quantity for meteorologists is of course the product of latent pressure and temperostrophic...

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    Time Capsule Instructions

    Inside is a third box, labeled DO NOT OPEN UNLESS YOU ARE IN THE TIME ZONE...

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    Lasering Incidents

    I still don't know how the police found my compound where I ran an illegal searchlight...

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    Sun Avoidance

    C'mon, ESA Solar Orbiter team, just give the Parker probe a LITTLE nudge at aphelion. Crash...

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    D Roll

    Under some circumstances, if you throw a D8 and then a D12 at an enemy, thanks...

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    Exclusion Principle

    Fermions are weird about each other in a standoffish way. Integer-spin particles are weird about each...

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    Linear Sort

    The best case is O(n), and the worst case is that someone checks why.

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    Phase Change

    Even when you try to make nice, smooth ice cubes in a freezer, sometimes one of...

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    In the aviation world, they don't use AM/PM times. Instead, all times are assumed to be...

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    The Maritime Approximation

    It works because a nautical mile is based on a degree of latitude, and the Earth...

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    Making Tea

    No, of course we don't microwave the mug WITH the teabag in it. We microwave the...

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    And even when they're not distracted, they usually get kicked out for illegal under-the-net 'subduction spikes'.

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    Infinite Armada Chess

    Stockfish 16 suggests the unconventional opening 1. RuntimeError: Out of bounds memory access

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    Advent Calendar Advent Calendar

    The growth rate of items per day may may seem absurd, but it's actually much less...