~rubyweekly | Issue 730 - Ruby 3.4 - almost! (14)
GitHub - thoughtbot/botcasts: Botcasts is a Hotwire-powered podcast player and Hotwire Essentials is the associated tutorial to learn how build it yourself.
▶ Botcasts: A Do-It-Yourself Hotwire-Powered Podcast Player — This isn’t ready to run, but is the foundation...
Ruby 3.4.0 rc1 Released
Ruby 3.4.0 Release Candidate 1 Released — Christmas is almost here, and that means the imminent...
Lightstorm: minimalistic Ruby compiler
Lightstorm: A Minimalistic Ruby Compiler — It’s not every week we get to hear of a...
Fixed-cost, Monthly Rails Maintenance by FastRuby.io
💤 Make Rails Upgrades Budget-Friendly & Boringly Reliable — Stuck on Rails 5.2? FastRuby.io’s monthly maintenance keeps...
Keeping Rails cool: the modern frontend toolkit—Martian Chronicles, Evil Martians’ team blog
Keeping Rails Cool: The Modern Frontend Toolkit — If you’re like me, building backend apps is...
10 tips from 10 years of Hotwire Native | Masilotti.com
10 Tips from 10 Years of Hotwire Native — Admittedly, Hotwire Native only launched a few...
Django and Postgres for the Busy Rails Developer
Django and Postgres for the Busy Rails Developer — If even looking at Python is sacrilege...
Turbo morphing woes
Turbo Morphing Woes — We all know inventing the ship also invented the shipwreck. Morphing has...
Product for Engineers | Substack
Product for Engineers: A Newsletter Helping Flex Your Product Muscle — Get curated advice on building...
Release v1.17.0 / 2024-12-08 · sparklemotion/nokogiri
Nokogiri v1.17.0: The Long Standing XML and HTML Library — As a mature library, Nokogiri doesn’t...
Rails Icons 1.0.0 is here
Rails Icons 1.0: Add SVG Icon Libraries to Rails Apps — You can set any one...
GitHub - magynhard/rvm-windows: Clone of RVM.io for MS Windows
rvm-windows 1.0: A Ruby Version Manager for Windows — Despite the name, this isn’t related to...
GitHub - hlascelles/ferrum-har: ferrum-har is a rubygem that captures ferrum traffic to a HAR file
ferrum-har: Capture Ferrum Traffic to a HAR File — Quite niche, but quite handy too if...
CodeCare® Plus is a monthly Rails maintenance service | reinteractive
Fixed Price Monthly Code Maintenance for Rails Apps — No time to do those small but...