~recent-questions-st | Bookmarks (1330)
consecutive pairs divisible by 3
The following problem was asked during an interview: Given an array of integers as input, the...
Getting SIGQUIT: quit when running go mod tidy
While running go mod tidy on my prod build, I am seeing the below error, intermittently....
Gradle: Excluding transitive dependency not working
I am using Gradle catalogue and added the following dependency in my build.gradle (groovy) mockserver-client =...
Issue with Applying Custom Stereotype to Classes and Packages
I'm trying to create a new stereotype to be applied to both classes and packages. To...
compose.material.navigation.bottomSheet - "Using a material import while also using the material3 library" warning. But what's the alternative?
So I'm trying to define BottomSheet as navigation routes using compose.material.navigation.bottomSheet based on the example from...
How to add a user to wp_users table manually and see in wp-admin portal
We have a user (who had admin access) that can no longer login to wp-admin portal,...
How to select info based on different rows / criterias?
I have table which is formatted as such. Name Is this a first time client Is...
Why is Twig not able to access form.vars.value.attribute?
I am displaying Symfony form elements row by row in twig like this: {{ form_start(election_type_form) }}...
VBA adding Header method bug since december 2024
We have a VBA macro that let the users add headers to word documents from a...
Ray casting angles distortion
The angles of the rays I am casting seem to be uneven, getting tighter together near...
How to anchor React material popover/menu to the right instead of left
I added my auth buttons into a material menu on my site, and it's proving to...
How to change the placement of categories filter in Magento 2.4.7 from sidebar to top of catalogue page
i'm working with Magento 2.4.7 and using the Minimog theme from Bluesky. Currently, the categories filter...
Is it possible to create a non-rectangular hyperlink in a PDF?
With the hyperlink tool in Adobe Acrobat one can simply add hyperlinks to particular parts of...
Forbidden: uniqueItems cannot be set to true since the runtime complexity becomes quadratic
My Kubernetes CRD: type FooSpec struct { // +kubebuilder:validation:Required // +kubebuilder:validation:MinItems=1 // +kubebuilder:validation:UniqueItems=true MyItems []string `json:"myItems"`...
React native victory chart gives error value undefined
I am using the VictoryNative chart library in my React Native project to render a bar...
JOLT value to key and set value from another key.value
I need to transform multiple keys and their values to new JSON source JSON { "attributes":...
How to change the select output delimeter from '|' to ',' on Postgres through command line?
I am trying to generate a file with insert commands, using information about different servers, databases...
How can I call window.wrappedJSObject.somePromise in window.Promise?
I want to avoid postMessage between webextension and tab app in firefox because of low privacy....
Gosu corrupted classes in Las Lenas
We found out that gosu language has bug while compiling such structure of file Example<P extends...
How to set up one-to-many relationship in SQLAlchemy?
I want to ask for help with SQLAlchemy in Python. I want to set up one-to-many...
'_tcscmp': identifier not found despite including tchar.h
I just included tchar.h and I'm getting this error, why? Severity Code Description Project File Line...
How to update columns created by users
I have a python script where the user can click a button to create columns of...
Postgres vs MySQL index locking: Should I expect MySQL to be more tolerant to parallel write-heavy applications?
Postgres doc says: B-tree, GiST and SP-GiST indexes Short-term share/exclusive page-level locks are used for read/write...
The ChangeNotifier has a dispose() method. When does it get called?
I have two views HomeView and JokeView. On the HomeView I have a button that opens...