~recent-questions-st | Bookmarks (1373)
How to make xarray.to_zarr write the same way as dask.array.to_zarr?
I have a 3D xarray DataArray that I've saved to to zarr using DataArray.to_zarr(). However, the...
Searching Linux tool to check lan availability over a long period of time with high precision
I have a internal network with a few switches and I need to ensure that this...
JSF PrimeFaces Angular Vue & svelte
Angular Elements in PrimeFaces & JSF Angular elements are Angular components packaged as custom elements (also...
DOS int 21h / AH=09h is outputting the contents of my NASM source file to the console, not the desired string
I'm working in NASM, for DOSBox, in 16-bit real mode. At 15th line, I trying to...
Can you please answer my Calendar API enquiries?
The calendar api is free to use? There have any limitations for it? If there have...
How can I add my document Reference Id to IdCrucero
I have been trying to add new items to my "Cruceros" collection and I want to...
Convert Currency amount to cents without without going through floating point
Consider this function: function DollarsToCents(dollars: currency): integer; begin result := Trunc(dollars * 100); end; The expression...
Library for msteams-playwrigh missing
does anyone here have experience with the msteams-playwrigh project (https://github.com/reidav/msteams-playwright) ? The thing is that after...
Preparing a box diagram for representing accuracy metrics
Following is the portion of data i have: | Parameter | Method | RMSE | MAE...
Is Angular 19.0 incompatible with pm2?
I can't get pm2 to work with a fresh Angular 19.0 build. Here's what I’ve tried:...
Excel Count formula does not work between 2 OneDrive files
I’m working with two separate Excel files saved on Microsoft 365 OneDrive. To simplify, let’s assume...
Symfony picking up wrong data based on condition in production
System data: OS Ubuntu's Timezone: Asia/Tokyo(JST) MySQL(RDS)'s Timezone: System cron command 30 * * * *...
How to send command start measurement with microridge or python for A&D TM-2657P with serial usb cable?
This is the basic format And this is the command to start measuring I come with...
How do I add linebreaks in Markdown list but not when rendered?
When writing Markdown, generally newlines are not a problem: This is a very long sentence in...
Dynamic measurement of PivotTable height and width (no VBA)
How can a PivotTable's height and width be measured dynamically without using VBA (i.e., Even when...
Getting 403 Forbidden for Internal XHR Requests
`@EnableWebSecurity @Configuration public class SecurityConfiguration extends VaadinWebSecurity { private final AdminLoginDetailService adminLoginDetailService; public SecurityConfiguration(final AdminLoginDetailService adminLoginDetailService)...
Using MEMBER OF function when nested table having multiple columns
Have used MEMBER OF function multiple times successfully when the nested table having only one column....
How do i get the featured image?
I need help with this function. This is meant to get the post featured image but...
parse multipart mixed data format through Groovy
I want to parse the multipart mix data format in Groovy, which class could we use...
SymmetricDS How do I transform a MySQL Longtext column to a PostgreSQL Text column?
I am working on a replication between a old MySQL 8 database and a new PostgreSQL...
GCP not-secrets manager
Handling secrets within GCP is easy, Secrets Manager. We, like probably many many others, generate secret...
Error on programmatically accessing global variable
My code loads a value to a global variable like this: var str="global"; ... window[str+"w"]=100; This...
Error with @fluentui/react-components: "Invalid child element. Motion factories require a single child element" when using Dialog
I’m working on a React application using @fluentui/react-components and trying to implement a modal dialog with...
WSAIoctl (Winsock2.h) returning error 10014?
WSAIoctl is returning socket error 10014 'bad address'. I don't understand, the address where? https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/api/winsock2/nf-winsock2-wsaioctl https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/win32/winsock/windows-sockets-error-codes-2...