~recent-questions-st | Bookmarks (1351)
ZStack alignment is not showing HStack
I am trying to build a profile using a background image and then adding image profile...
how to pass viewModel as parameter in NavHost compose navigation
I have to following NavHost: NavHost( navController = navController, startDestination = Destinations.ComposeEntryPointRoute ) { composable<Destinations.HomeRoute> {...
mobilev2net model loading issues
I'm trying to load my saved MobileV2Net model, but I encounter this error: My code: full_data_model=keras.models.load_model(filepath='/content/drive/MyDrive/trainedmodelisicskin/full_data.h5',...
Tailwind printed view does not apply responsive styles
Consider this case: <p class="lg:hidden"> Hello </p> When the user visits the page with a device...
What is a pointer to class data member "::*" and what is its use?
I have a template structure TwoLimbs with fields Left and Right. template <typename T> struct TwoLimbs...
Facebook graph api data i want to retrieve data of last 3 months and represent it into google sheet
Sample Code: function fetchFacebookData() { var baseUrl = "https://graph.facebook.com/v20.0/me"; var fields = "name,adaccounts{amount_spent,name,adspixels{name,stats{start_time,data}}}"; var accessToken =...
How to Implement FIFO Matching for Buy and Sell Transactions in SQL
I have a table in SQL that tracks stock trading transactions with the following columns: date:...
Why is my checkout transaction on Moneris Gateway Merchant Resource Center missing transaction details?
I was "testing a solution" in Moneris checkout preload page (test mode) to make sure all...
Qt/PySide6: Add widget to QScrollArea during runtime, not showing up
I have a window with a button and a QScrollArea widget. When the button is pressed,...
How to Increase Prisma Connection Pool Size on a RDS Instance?
My team is running a PostgreSQL database on an AWS RDS t3.micro instance with 2 vCPUs...
dart: command not found error while using rps package
I'm using fvm for managing flutter version for my projects. I'm using rps for running scripts...
Unable to create backup with mariabackup: try increasing innodb_log_file_size
I am running a huge database of about 3TB of data with MariaDB 10.11.9 on a...
How can I fix debugging error in CodeBlcoks whcich uses msys2?
I installed gnu gcc&gdb by msys2. This is command I used pacman -Syu pacman -S --needed...
How Do I Add Working Camera Constraints In PyGame
I have tried to add camera constraints but I really don't know how. Please help. https://github.com/SkulkShard/Game...
Execute .sh remotely
I have a remote server with .sh file which I must trigger in order to restart...
API automation of cPanel Emails
I want to automate sending emails using power automate, I am using cPanel Email provider and...
How can avoid nested forEach loops for this tabbed content script?
I have made a small script in JavaScript for tabbed content. (function() { let contentElms =...
Why do I have to access template base class members through the this pointer?
This does not compile: template <class T> struct Base { T m_data; }; template <int size>...
ScrollSmoother paused/resumed leads to stopping and disturbing the scroll after resumed smoothness
I have replicated the issue and implemented a sample 3 pager nuxt app using stackblitz platform...
MySQL Shows two Connections. One does not require a password and is same database I created with Workbench
I am new to MySQL so I appreciate the help. So I have two db connections....
find proper value from column based on matching four columns in pair in excel
I have 5 columns in excel (code 1, code 2, kode1, kode4 and result1) and want...
3rd column below the 2nd and move to below the 1st
I'm trying to do this : I try flex but I can't find the solution. .container...
MariaDB event example
I want to create an event that is executed at least once a second, so far...
Delete all similar rows except first one
I have a database that contains several rows with the same values but a different timestamp....