~recent-questions-st | Bookmarks (1330)
Include v8 and libuv in c++ project
I want include v8 and libuv in my c++ project. I try install v8/libuv in my...
Unable to add user shortcut
After creating my first shortcut, which worked well, I tried to make a new one to...
Is it possible to manually invoke a specific bash-completion function on the command line?
I have several scripts that expect a git branch as argument, rather than specifying the completion...
Delete Button Does Not Appear In Cms Project
I'm working on a Laravel application where I need to restrict access to certain actions based...
Custom schema validation rules with JsonValidator - executing only if the value matches the schema
I'm trying to implement a custom JsonValidator class which adds more validations on top of what...
R DeSeq - problems generating heatmap graphs for RNA-Seq analysis
I'm analysing RNA-Seq datasets, but having problems generating heatmaps from the resulting data. I'm analysing two...
linux shared memory doesn't showed as expect
I use mmap create a shared memory, two process shared the memory. I use the 'top'...
cmake how to pass dependencies referenced by find_package on to add_custom_command
Background: I have a shared Swift/C++ codebase. First of all, my CMake project builds the C++...
Deploying python function apps to azure
I am trying to make my first python function app. The app is just a simple...
How to fix Error Code=-4 with SKPSMTPMessage
We have an application on Iphone/ ios developed with Xcode/swift. In this one, we use SKPSMTP...
Transformed image to numpy array, resized it so it can be divided by 3, and still not masked-able
I tried this code from a tutorial how to mask your image: def show_mask(mask, ax): color...
In Polars: what is the correct equivalent code for row_number() over(partition by) in BigQuery SQL?
I am trying to refactor (translate) a given SQL query to python script using polars library....
How to improve accuracy of LLM response in local RAG
I have created a local RAG using HUGGINGFACE TRANSFORMER PIPELINE to answer queries from a certain...
Selenium throws "NoSuchElementException" while using Google search
It should search from Google, but I open and close Google and then I get an...
Why this Pandas DataFrame column operation fails?
This script works fine with Python 3.11 and Pandas 2.2: import pandas as pd df =...
How to dynamically redirect users to their BigCommerce store after app installation?
I am developing an app for BigCommerce and currently have a specific store name in my...
insert on duplicate key update deadlock
mysql version: 5.7 Suppose I have a table like this: create table test (`id` bigint(20) NOT...
Deserialize json object as a string
I have a class A that has a field string data. I perform a server request...
ef 9-The database operation was expected to affect 1 row(s), but actually affected 0 row(s)
I am using DDD architecture and the following code changes the aggregate Root (basically adds a...
Trying to make a OneToMany relationship in GraphQL
I'm new to GraphQL, and i am trying to create a OneToMany relationship between movies and...
Stateless Microservice Authentication in Azure AD (MSAL)
i have a question, how to implement stateless architecture in NestJS using msal-node library? currently i...
Lambdas and method reference use different approaches to non-final variables. Why?
I don't get this one. In a lambda expression, you simply cannot reference non-final variables. //...
How to mock multiple refs (and refs in general) in Nuxt?
I'm looking for a way to mock multiple refs (and refs in general) in Nuxt? I'm...
reserve space for a legend in pyplot while fixing plot size and x-axis position
here are two of my plotting functions and example use: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt def set_legend(ax,...