~recent-questions-st | Bookmarks (1330)
How can I implement SecurityContextHolder in a generic base service while adhering to SOLID principles
I have an abstract base service that includes basic CRUD operations. However, there’s a situation where,...
Can anybody share a build.gradle sample on how to use EvoSuite with Gradle
I am trying to generate tests for a Java application using EvoSuite from Gradle. I found...
How can I create and later update AD users in Active Directory from a CSV file when they have the same name?
I want to import many users from a CSV into my Active Directory. Each user in...
A question about CMake and the compile order
I recently encountered this question: I want to use antlr4 to do syntax analysis in my...
Flutter blocs with API requests
I am getting response data from an api while passing in a response body. I have...
How can I resolve the ‘Cannot connect to server’ error in my React-based VoIP project?
I am working on a React-based VoIP application and encountering an issue where the system is...
Why height of my PageLayout is too short?
I am using OOjs-ui to develope a game I am creating a PageLayout, but its height...
ASP.NET Core Web API : call unauthorized on certain machines/networks
I developed an ASP.NET Core application that consumes an API from a remote application. The API...
Specifing the MapCreator for a model constructor in MongoDB C# still results in an error
I'm trying to store an object to a MongoDB collection using the MongoDB C# driver and...
Unable to remove unwanted elements from webpage
I am a newbie to html/css. I found an excellent project at (https://www.martyncurrey.com/) whose code I...
How to sort 2D array from horizontal (left-to-right) to vertical (top-to-bottom)
I want to convert the 2d array which is missing some values and has been sorted...
OperationalError. Django tries to access a non-existent table
Building a e-commerce site with django. When I try to add a new element into the...
How to debug network calls in Node.js application running in VS code
I'm developing a Node.js application using VS Code and installed @azure/msal-node package. I'm calling the acquireTokenOnBehalfOf...
Resource qualifier conflict: Same dpi (xxhdpi) but different screen widths in Android
I'm encountering a conflict where two different screen resolutions are using the same dpi setting. This...
Product Creation in License 4J Manager Succeeds But Doesn't Display
Stack Overflow community! I'm currently working with License 4J Manager and I'm facing an issue when...
Custom Colum based on specific dates in powerquery
I have a table as below, and I am trying to create Custom Colom with a...
How to change theme manually in Mui, PigmentCss, Vite, react-swc with Typescript setup
How to change the theme manually with a simple button click in Vite project with Mui...
Address of 'this' pointer in Inheritance hierarchy
I was debugging some legacy code and while doing that found some inconsistency in the address...
How to handle html table in react i18n?
I am having table structure with the text. I want to localize it using react-i18next. Using...
Difficulty maintaining MVVM architecture integrity in Android application
I want to use architecture in my Android application (MVVM) and I use it in some...
change made by _context.SaveChangesAsync written to DB, but on next page, changes are not visible until refresh
I work on a .NET 6 project based on Blazor and EF core, which saves a...
"EPERM: operation not permitted, unlink ''<path-to-pnpm>\pnpm.EXE" when trying to update pnpm
I'm using pnpm 9.12.3 and trying to update to the newest version by running the command:...
How to properly use API calls for a id based Dashboard?
I work on a order based overview based on the ID. My structure looks like this...
Error using Nuitka: call to '/usr/bin/codesign' failed
I am trying to create an executable from .py file using Nuitka, but "code sign error"...