~recent-questions-st | Bookmarks (1373)
Limitations of Vert.x MailClient with Azure AD
package com.vertx.poc; import io.vertx.core.AbstractVerticle; import io.vertx.core.Vertx; import io.vertx.core.VertxOptions; import io.vertx.core.json.JsonArray; import io.vertx.core.json.JsonObject; import io.vertx.ext.auth.authentication.Credentials; import io.vertx.ext.auth.authentication.TokenCredentials;...
self in OnLoad function nil
I'm trying to create a simple addon for vanilla wow with Lua, the very first task...
QGraphicsTextItem * and void * conversion error
I want to use void * to store the pointer of the QGraphicsTextItem object created, and...
Language-Ext- How do i get just the error message from an Error Type from Validation<Error,T>
I am trying to display just the error message of a failed validation from using Validation<Error,Unit>...
How do I get tenant's base currency from Xero API
The payables/receivables report reports a field Due In Base Currency so we need to save the...
How to configure MinIO in golang(also use Ubuntu 24.04)
No valid gpg key for minio I tried MinIO/v7 package in golang, but do not perform
Beautiful soup duplicating link text
I have a function that is meant to extract html to render it in pdf in...
How to generate a 32 bytes result string with mariadb function AES_ENCRYPT
With Java I generate and encrypted String like : TextEncryptor textEncryptor = org.springframework.security.crypto.encrypt.Encryptors.text(secretKey, salt); String cryptedString...
Using ThreadLocal vs RequestAttribute for accessing userId across application layers
I'm trying to decide between two approaches to access parameter across different layers (Controller, Service, Repository)...
Generate offline docs for Swagger
I need to generate offline documentation (PDF / docx / Standalone html) for a Rest/Json api...
Dates disappear when confiuring locale with date-fns and angular material date picker
I'm trying to configure date-fns with Angular material date picker in my Angular 18 application. However,...
how to forbid the process called java which engages high cpu
Here is the output of top command There is a process called java uses excessively high...
How to get localised String from LocalizedStringKey
I'm curious, does anyone know what the steps are to get from a LocalizedStringKey to a...
How to correctly pass xml to draw.io / embed.diagrams.net?
I tried to create some example html file that demonstrates how to send xml content to...
How to convert a u32 pid to windows-rs HANDLE
I'm trying to make the NtOpenProcess syscall in rust using the windows-rs crate. I've got the...
Mask and Crop functions in Terra R
When the raster package was still active, I would usually have to do the following to...
Swift UI wait for loading of data from API before setupUI
I'm struggling to find an answer that works, basically have setup a navigationlist which successfully displays...
Is there anyone who can solve google codatabase connectivity issues please?
Title: Unable to connect to MySQL instance on Google Cloud - 2003: Can't connect to MySQL...
Timefold from getJustificationList() to getJustification()
I have the following code with the deprecated method getJustificationList(). How can I do the same...
How to hide items in ListView in Delphi?
I'm working on a VCL application in Delphi 10.3.3 and need to temporarily hide some rows...
mapping list of pure functions to list elementwise
Like multiplication of lists, could I get {11, 22} from list of pure functions {(#+1)&,(#+2)&} and...
Dimensionality reduction in sentence transformers
I need to compute embeddings for a large number of sentences (say 10K) in preprocessing, and...
‘”Default FirebaseApp failed to initialize because no default options were found” error and conflict between Admob and Firestore in Unity
When I installed Admob and Firestore packages, I was getting the error ‘property#android.adservices.AD_SERVICES_CONFIG@resource=@xml/gma_ad_services_config` in com.google.android.gms:play-services-measurement-api:22.1.2 collides...
loop through visible cells cause infinity loop in a special case
I have bellow code to loop through visible cells in my worksheet With InvoiceSheet For Each...