~recent-questions-st | Bookmarks (1362)
ErrorsStaticallyReferencedJniMethods: java.lang.UnsatisfiedLinkError
I am running a netty-based component and see UnsatisfiedLinkError error on attempt to bind on a...
Tool tip not show permanently in all columns
I use this code in node red const series = chart.series.push(am5xy.ColumnSeries.new(root, { name: "Series 1", xAxis:...
Error When Connecting to MySQL Database in Python
I'm trying to connect to a MySQL database using Python with the mysql-connector library, but I...
.net project with multiple solutions in azure devops
I have a .net 6 project with two solutions that i need in two Azure devops...
I need to compare col2 and col3 from file1 with col4 and col5 from file2 and return file2 as output
Could you please suggest for the below code, I tried awk commands but seems to be...
Binary insertion sort for a list of words
I am doing a enhanced insertion sort which is basically the same as binary insertion sort...
AttributeError: 'Graph' object has no attribute 'get_user_token'
Following along here: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/graph/tutorials/python?tabs=aad&tutorial-step=3 At step 4, I've built and run the app, entered 1 but...
How to search embeddedDocuments fields and Root Document fields using Atlas Search
I have the following document in my collection { "_id": "101", "PublisherName": "Big book publishers", "Books":...
Testing standalone pipes with ngneat spectator?
My ngneat test used to work, but after I turned my pipe into standalone, it stopped...
How to convert an ImageSharp Image<> to a SkiaSharp SkImage?
I've got an ImageSharp Image<Rgb24> image which is already loaded in memory, and I need to...
How to create body mass index (BMI) calculation in laravel
I am beginner in laravel. I don't know how to implement the BMI (body Mass Index)...
Alembic doesn't initialize with asyncio
I can't run: *alembic revision --autogenerate -m "initial revision cause face with : File "/home/me/PycharmProjects/vpnbot_via_dialog/migration/env.py", line...
Invalid Argument Type Error with Knitting to PDF in RStudio
I am knitting a PDF and keep getting an error that references this particular line in...
Why does this empty "for" loop affect this program's result?
At the beginning, I tried: #include <stdio.h> int main(){ int a,b,i; scanf("%c",&a); if (a<=122 && a>=97)...
Test for reading InfluxDB data using Springboot
I made CRUD method for InfluxDBClient(v2) but i failed with 401 unauthorization error. I checked with...
How to search table for special characters excluding some Hungarian letters?
I want to return all rows containing any other character than letters, numbers and space, but...
Google Apps Script - Embed Charts on Google Sheets
I would like your input on how I can improve this. I've tried embedding the chart...
Selecting all neighbors of a set of nodes in a graph?
I have this network in R: library(igraph) set.seed(123) n <- 20 g <- sample_gnm(n, m =...
Unable to pull any images inside minikube
Whenever i try to start a minikube always get "unable to connect to registry.k8s.io" and even...
In compose multiplatform, ios throws error on load image
I'm currently working on a project using Compose Multiplatform project, and looking for ways to handle...
Date format culture differences with .NET 4.8 and .NET 8
I have this bit of code and when running in .NET 4.8 gives a different result...
Django returns "Authentication credentials were not provided" when I attempt token authentication
(I tried the solutions in similar questions, but they didn't work for me). I am creating...
How do I add a new function to all numbers in MiniScript?
In Miniscript, when working with Sprites, I find I have to convert radians to degrees and...
How can I add a tmpfs mount to a GKE cluster?
I have little experience with GKE but I need to deploy an ephemeral tmpfs mount to...