~recent-questions-st | Bookmarks (1362)
How to create a regex for a 6-digit number where the last 3 digits are one more than the first 3 digits?
Currently, my task is to create special numbers based on customer requirements and then sell them...
C convert 2 sequential uint8_t to one uint16_t
int main() { uint8_t bytes[] = {0, 126}; uint8_t *pointer = bytes; printf("Hex: %x", (*(uint16_t*)pointer)); }...
Copying database and authentication fails?
I have django project which has database on aws RDS. I can login django account correctly...
Is My Greedy Approach to Finding the Largest Independent Set Optimal?
I am working on a task to find the largest independent set in a graph. After...
gcc 11.4 openmp does not seem to generate AVX2 instructions. Based on this earlier stackoverflow, what am I doing wrong?
I am on popos using gcc 11.4 The commands I tried: g++ -fopenmp-simd -O2 -S simd_reduction.cpp...
How to apply a concept to a member function in a concept and then use it?
Follow-up question to this question, where single argument use was not solved. Assume the following C++...
Add extra runtime dependencies to Nix Home Manager package
In my Home Manager config, I have the following pkgs: home.packages = with pkgs; [ #...
Unable to push the data from the written kafka topic to Postgres table
I am trying to load the data written into the Kafka topic into the Postgres table....
Spring Security LDAP Server (LdapUserDetailsManager) returns 401 Unauthorized
I'm trying to connect to an online LDAP Test Server using LdapUserDetailsManager (spring-security-ldap version 6). Link...
Why the oracle database changes the non latin character encoding?
I am using Oracle database with AR8MSWIN1256, and unfortunately I cannot change the encoding to UTF8....
PyTorch PINN: Inaccurate sigma_xx (stress) predictions while other parameters match FEM results
I'm implementing a Physics-Informed Neural Network (PINN) to solve a 2D elasticity problem, comparing results with...
Customize ChartJS Dougnut Border on Hover
I have this following Prototype created by our Designer using Figma. My stack is: Vuejs Bootstrap...
Getting error open_basedir restriction in effect when uploading file in filament
Using fillament tryin to upload file /livewire/upload-file succesfully uploaded file in storage app public liveware-tmp but...
Django Chatroom model: Retrieve latest messages from all rooms a user is part of
I'm having a hard time constructing a query (sqlite) to get the latest message for each...
Issues with Installing ng2-charts and chart.js in Angular Standalone Component
I'm currently working on an Angular project where I want to implement charts using ng2-charts and...
Exif write data to image metadata using native_exif giving exceptioin
This is my permissions file: <manifest xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"> <!-- The INTERNET permission is required for development. Specifically,...
In WSO2 API Manager, user roles are being removed each time a user login through an external IdP
We want to provision a user who login from an external IdP to APIM, assign the...
How to Dynamically Adjust CSS for YouTube Video Orientation?
I'm working on a project where I display a series of YouTube videos stored in a...
Compute normal vector at a specific point of a svg path pointing outwards
I'm trying to make a physics engine in javascript using not the usual canvas with vertices...
JPA is duplicating a column when inserting. Multiple columns as primary and foreign key
JPA is duplicating a column when trying to insert (column active) and it does not insert...
How to make Java application prefer TLS 1.3 over TLS 1.2?
An external system has a requirement that anyone accessing it should prefer TLS 1.3. How can...
Setting a nullable decimal
This seems to be a super basic question but I can't seem to find the answer....
How to use office 365 outlook for email services using C#
I am using outlook.office365.com email, but getting remove connectivity error System.Net.Mail.SmtpException HResult=0x80131500 Message=Failure sending mail. Source=EmailTesting...
How to import firebase/GA4 resource in matomo?
I am encountering an issue while attempting to import data from an Analytics resource that used...