~hackernews | Bookmarks (17148)
Pg_karnak: Transactional schema migration across tenant databases
When we need to describe Nile in a single sentence, we say "PostgreSQL re-engineered for multi-tenant...
Launch HN: Fresco (YC F24) – AI Copilot for Construction Superintendents
Hi HN! We're Arvind and Akhil, and we're building Fresco (https://fresco-ai.com/). We use AI to quickly...
Thousands of AI agents later, who even remembers what they do?
Among the optimism and opportunities perceived around AI agents, Gartner has spotted some risks – namely...
Curve Families
CurveParamsSubdivAffineInflectionsSuperellipse Line0yesyes00.5 Arc1yesno00.785 Parabola2yesyes00.833 Euler spiral2yesno10.785 Rectangular elastica2yesno1~0.8 Elastica3yesno1*0.5..~0.85 Balanced Bézier3nono20.5..0.95 Euler spiral PC3yesno10.785 Conic3yesyes00.5..1 Cubic...
The AI Reporter That Took My Old Job Just Got Fired
James and Rose, the bizarre AI bots who were recently installed as news broadcasters at local...
As NASA increasingly relies on commercial space, there are some troubling signs
But in 2008, NASA brought on a different provider, Orbital Sciences, and the COTS program moved...
The Rectangular Cows of UK Art (2018)
Spending time among the thousands of paintings on Art UK often throws up questions. What is...
The Case Against Quantum Computing (2018)
Quantum computing is all the rage. It seems like hardly a day goes by without some...
The meme-ification of the "Demon Core"
On May 21, 1946, the Canadian physicist Louis Slotin was demonstrating to several other Los Alamos...
Here's why you should only buy a magnetic keyboard for gaming
I test keyboards for a living, as a staff writer for Reviews at Tom's Guide. This...