
x86 ×
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    LXer: LattePanda Mu: A Micro x86 Compute Module with Intel N100 CPU

    Published at LXer: LattePanda Mu: A Micro x86 Compute Module with Intel N100 CPUThe LattePanda team...

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    current: python-3.11 x86-64 site-packages under /usr/lib

    Several x86_64 python libs are now under '/usr/lib/python3.11/site-packages' instead of '/usr/lib64/python3.11/site-packages/' python3 -m sites now also...

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    CC arch/x86/kernel/alternative.o: warning: objtool: .altinstr_replacement+0x7: call without frame pointer save/setup

    I've been getting this warning when building the kernel for some time now. I don't know...