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  • A High-Level Technical Overview of Homomorphic Encryption

    About two years ago, I switched teams at Google to focus on fully homomorphic encryption (abbreviated...

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    Show HN: Exploring Indra's Pearls with WebGPU

    Instead of carefully selecting circles and Mobius transformations mapping the outside of one into the inside...

  • Tabletop Games Based on Math Problems –| Math ∩ Programming

    There’s a family of tabletop games that are based directly on a nontrivial mathematics problem. As...

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    MIT and IBM Find Clever AI Ways Around Brute-Force Math

    Since the days of Isaac Newton, the fundamental laws of nature—optics, acoustics, engineering, electronics—all ultimately reduce...

  • Markov Chains Are the Original Language Models

    Heads Up: This article is a republished (with some tweaks on spelling, grammar and layout) version...

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    How Much of the World Is It Possible to Model?

    It’s hard for a neurosurgeon to navigate a brain. A key challenge is gooeyness. The brain...