
humor ×
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    "Weird Al" Yankovic - Real or Cake? [37s, CW]

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    You should upgrade to the paid subscription of your library card

    This is just a few TiKToks celebrating the fun of having a library card, that is...

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    Caught 22

    22 of the funniest novels since Catch-22 (SLNYT)

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    'Joking in humans requires quite complex cognitive abilities'

    The teasing behaviour was similar to that adopted by young human children, according to the researchers,...

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    I’m a Frayed Knot

    "Informant's dad told it to her. She found it so funny. She likes that it's punny...

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    Let Estelle, a "crap taxidermy" fox puppet, inspire you with her motivational meditations

    Meet Malié Mason, an actor, producer, content creator, comedian, and puppeteer. And meet Estelle, a fox...

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    sadserver - javascript & waste heat

    JavaScript appears to be the preferred method of turning electricity into waste heat.

  • Κ.Π. Καβάφης - Ας φρόντιζαν

    Ας φρόντιζαν Κατήντησα σχεδόν ανέστιος και πένης. Aυτή η μοιραία πόλις, η Aντιόχεια όλα τα χρήματά...