
c++ × ~lobsters ×
  • Mysterious Moving Pointers

    At work, we have started the process of modernizing our codebase. We currently work with Visual...

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    C++ Coroutines Do Not Spark Joy

    C++20 added minimal support for coroutines. I think they’re done in a way that really doesn’t...

  • std::launder: the most obscure new feature of C++17 · miyuki's blog

    21 Oct 2016 Proposal P0137R1 introduces a new function into the C++ standard library called std::launder....

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    jank development update - Syntax quoting!

    Oh, hey folks. I was just wrapping up this macro I was writing. One moment.(defmacro if-some...

  • refix: fast, debuggable, reproducible builds

    There's a simple way to make your builds all of the following: Reproducible/deterministic - same binaries...

  • You won't believe how this simple trick defeated the unexplained bug destroying every top LGM - Codeforces

    Currently people are discussing a slowdown bug on Codeforces that seems to happen randomly, and can...