
black hole ×
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    Black holes are getting caught in “traffic jams”

    A new study reveals the complex dynamics of black holes in the centres of galaxies, how...

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    Astronomers find the biggest stellar black hole in our galaxy and it’s close to earth

    The largest stellar black hole in the Milky Way galaxy has been found by the European...

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    When a black hole and a neutron star merge

    When a black hole and a neutron star merge On May 29, 2023, the LIGO Livingston...

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    Quantum tornado mimics black holes' warped spacetime in the lab

    As anyone who's ever seen a science fiction movie knows, whipping up a black hole in...

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    Largest map of the universe includes 1300 supermassive black holes

    Astronomers have created a new map of the universe which includes 1.3 million supermassive black holes...

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    Supermassive tension measured between the heaviest cosmic couple

    At some point we’ve all regretted taking too long to make a move on that special...

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    Brightest object in the universe is... A supermassive black hole?

    You’d assume that the brightest object in the known universe would be a pretty easy thing...

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    Our galaxy's black hole spins so fast it warps spacetime into a football

    A supermassive monster lurks at the center of our galaxy, and astronomers have now discovered that...

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    JWST shakes up black hole and galaxy formation theory

    A new theory is emerging in astronomy to explain the rapid formation of early stars with...

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    Most distant black hole discovered, but it's "impossibly massive"

    Astronomers have discovered the most distant – and therefore earliest – known black hole. Hiding in...

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    Neutron star discovered orbiting mysterious object that shouldn't exist

    Astronomers have discovered a neutron star orbiting a mysterious object that, by all accounts, shouldn’t be...

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    The oldest black hole ever seen

    The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) has revealed the oldest black hole ever observed. And it...