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    Canvas strokeRect behavior issue after css transform rotate(90deg)

    First of all, I'm not good at English. Thank you for your understanding. Now let me...

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    html link to another page not work, protocol fail

    I'm trying to set a link to another page, using html. It's really weird because it...

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    fetch with catch never returns?

    Since adding a catch handler to my fetch in the rare case that the server is...

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    Axios POST Request with Refresh Token Not Received by Backend (MERN Stack)

    I'm encountering an issue where a POST request made with Axios in my frontend application using...

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    Title is not showing when uploading a video to TikTok via api

    I am creating videos on TikTok using their API. With the video, I also provide a...

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    How can I enhance my CSS expertise, particularly in understanding media queries effectively? Seeking tips or resources to improve proficiency

    I'm struggling to grasp CSS concepts, especially media queries, and I'm seeking advice on how to...

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    2. Add Two Numbers in LeetCode

    I made such a code, everything works correctly in Visual Studio Code, when transferring it to...

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    How to fix repeating already showed elements from the array?

    I am making blackjack game and encoutering some problems which i get no idea to solve...

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    Pagination for data over 20000 results

    I have 20000 records coming from server (Salesforce) I am limiting only 5000 records per a...

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    Vue2 doesn't see updates of object in expanded table vuetify

    I have a problem with reactivity in Vue2 I have an array of objects in Vuex,...

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    How to Efficiently Read Large Datasets from Firestore with Reduced Latency?

    I’m working on a project that requires fetching large datasets from Firestore to display patient data....

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    Get the largest rectangle possible when the corners of the rectangle are cut

    So we have a rectangle with, let's say dimensions of 120ft length, 72ft breadth and 20mm...

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    Clerk Error while redirecting to Sign Up Page

    I have created an app in which I am using Clerk Authentication. The Sign In page...

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    How to check if every array is filled?

    I'm writing a code for rock paper scissor. I need a function to run everytime I...

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    can hooks be called inside the nested functions?

    In this react component how come usestate is working inside a regular function regfunc? It should...

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    Drag and Drop only uploads via select

    I found a pen here that i tried to implement into my form. After so many...

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    How can I use lemonsqueezy checkout with next js app router?

    I am trying to to tyae payment with lemonsqueezy using next js v14. Here is my...

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    How to correctly output html which was generated in CKEditor5?

    When I resize image and align right, it is generating: When I output just this Html...

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    Javascript Deobfuscator

    I found a malware in my computer and perform forensic and I found out that the...

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    Render data based on month array in React js

    I have a response from api like below. I want to render month wise data in...

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    389. Find the Difference LeetCode

    I was solving this problem on Leetcode but I am unable to understand why my solution...

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    How to listen for LightDOM Label "FOR=" events via ShadowDOM Custom Element

    How do I get a caller's HTML "Label" surrounding my Custom Element to bubble its "click"...

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    How to get a JavaScript script to stay within its designated element?

    Pretty much what it says on the tin. I have a JS script that isn't staying...

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    I am getting error in sql query ORA-01847: day of month must be between 1 and last day of month