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    Why is the "restore changes" option not working in this streamlit code which is supposed to rollback the update or delete operation done"?

    import mysql.connector import pandas as pd # Set up the header st.markdown( """ <style> .header {...

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    Ignore all wordpress folder except my specific plugin

    I'm working on a wordpress plugin as part of a larger project. The wordpress install sits...

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    How to make a trigger that deletes data from a table verify that the data that we pass it by the old. extension exists in a table

    How to make that a trigger that deletes data of a table verifies that the data...

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    *ngIf and ngmodel is not working on .html pages

    I'm using following versions in Angular, Angular CLI: 17.3.4, Node: 20.9.0, Package Manager: npm 10.5.2. When...

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    Is there a way to implement Google Analytics and Google Adsense data to a third party dashboard usng Node.js?

    I have developed a website and I have connected it to Google Analytics and Google Adsense,...

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    Adding significance markers for group comparisons in a boxplot using ggplot2

    I have a data like following: set.seed(123) expr_data <- data.frame( cell_line_name = rep(c("CL1", "CL2"), each =...

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    Disable pyvis from opening elinks by default

    I work remotely on a Ubuntu system using a terminal and vi editor. I want to...

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    VBA Error msg "This method cannot be called after the send method has been called"

    I have couple of line codes of VBA and when running the code I get the...

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    Path to pip broken - pip : The term 'pip' is not recognized as the name of a cmdlet,

    if i do this from terminal in PyCharm just try to install the package with pip....

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    What is the most compact way to cram a list of integers into a string?

    Objective: Decrease the size of an array of integers like this: "[12, 1, -34, 55, 13,...

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    Jetpack Compose: 'by viewModels()' vs 'viewModel<ViewModelName>()'

    What's the difference here? val myViewModel: MyViewModel by viewModels() versus val myViewModel = viewModel<MyViewModel>() How does...

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    opposite of above result required but condition is DISPLAY =YES and REMARK =ITEM

    Opposite result required in mysql like in Microsoft SQL using except. Pls do it in mysql...

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    How to get the value of a specific column? I'm executing a SQL query in linq using C#

    I am trying to get the value of my column authID so I can authenticate the...

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    Android studio HAXM inst

    I've encountered an issue with enabling virtualization on my system despite trying various methods. I've already...

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    How to find the property which has the highest value

    let obj1 = { 1:1,2:1,4:3}; I want to get the property 4 as the output because...

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    Highcharts Vue3 don't render graph on first load

    I have some Highcharts graphs for displaying temperatures of set of devices, creating it in v-for...

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    Tensorflow CNN based fashion recognition model is repeatedly inaccurate although his so called accuracy nearing 95%

    I'm trying to automate a service that is getting a picture of a client and returns...

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    how to use returns.context.RequiresContext with async functions in python?

    I am very fond of the returns library in python, and I would like to use...

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    Check if Drawing Objects Intersects in AutoCAD

    I have multiple lines (Layer Name = Checkline) that runs thru Polylines (Layer Name = 0_String)....

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    How to export apolloServer handler as default function

    I have inherited some old code from a React/Next.js project where most of the dependencies have...

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    What can prevent No routes found for "//"

    So I'm having trouble pinpointing a problem. I was noticing in error logs that '//' was...

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    How to organize a python dictionary to separate columns

    I have GIS shapefile of NY census block which I opened in ArcGIS Pro. The shapefile...

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    Title is not showing when uploading a video to TikTok via api

    I am creating videos on TikTok using their API. With the video, I also provide a...

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    Robust two-column HTML layout for emails that works in Outlook.exe, howto without tables?

    Currently, we use tables in our email software to create a two-column layout like below, displaying...