~wired | Bookmarks (1459)
The Best Black Friday Deals on Outdoor Gear
Our favorite tents, sleeping bags, backpacks, and other outdoor gear are on sale now.
Combining AI and Crispr Will Be Transformational
The genome-editing technology can be supercharged by artificial intelligence—and the results are already being felt.
It’s Time to Make the Internet Safer for Kids
Parent power alone won’t ensure the next generation’s safety—politicians and tech firms must take steps, too.
The Fossil Fuels Conversation Needs a Hard Reset
The term “reducing emissions” has outlived its usefulness, a crutch to soften the blow that’s being...
The Climate-Driven Diaspora Is Here
In 2025, extreme weather will drive more people from their homes. Governments have no plan. Where...
The 10 Best Gifts for Every Kind of Golfer
Make your favorite golfer’s day with the best gifts to enhance every part of their game.
Novation’s Launchkey MK4 Is an Awesome MIDI Controller
This affordable audio controller is great, especially if you use Ableton.
Our Favorite Ski Gloves and Mittens Keep Your Hands Warm Whatever the Conditions
WIRED has tested the best ski gloves and mittens for every style and budget.
The Best Personal Safety Alarms and Gadgets for Every Situation
Make some noise for safety with our favorite alarms, from keychain sirens to wearable bracelets.
Cybertruck's Many Recalls Make It Worse Than 91 Percent of All 2024 Vehicles
Since launch, Tesla’s polarizing electric pickup has been beset by quality issues, and is now heading...
Parallel Parking Is Stressful. Most Drivers Still Won’t Let the Robots Take Over
In the Western world, some automated driving features seem to have fallen out of favor. Not...
The Future of Online Privacy Hinges on Thousands of New Jersey Cops
Removing your phone number and address from the internet can be exceedingly difficult. A multibillion-dollar lawsuit...
The Roland Aira P-6 Sounds Great, Just Keep That Manual Handy
This surprisingly deep instrument is probably too complicated for its own good.
Lomography Lomo'Instant Wide Glass Is the Best Instax Camera I've Tested
A real glass lens in Lomography's new instant camera elevates Instax print to new heights.
Mathematicians Just Debunked the ‘Bunkbed Conjecture’
This famous probability theory was intuitive, even obvious. It was also wrong.
The 6 Best Apps to Find Bars and Restaurants While Traveling
Finding the perfect place to eat can make your trip. Here’s how to locate all the...
Snap's AR Spectacles Aren't as Fancy as Meta's Orion—but at Least You Can Get Them
Augmented reality glasses still have a long way to go, but Snap’s latest Spectacles—which are now...
How to Create a Future of Cheap Energy for All
The WIRED & Octopus Energy Tech Summit in Berlin was bursting with innovative ideas for reaching...
Russia’s Ballistic Missile Attack on Ukraine Is an Alarming First
This is the first time Russia has used its so-called Oreshnik intermediate-range ballistic missile in combat....
The Best LED Face Masks (and How They Work)
Can red light therapy really help your skin? Here are the benefits certain wavelengths can bring...
The Best Game Controller for Every Kind of Player
A great gamepad instantly levels up your play. These are our top picks for Switch, Xbox,...
Sonos’ New Arc Soundbar Ultra Is a Great-Sounding Turning Point
As long as your app works, the new premium Sonos soundbar is a marvel of acoustic...
The Best MagSafe Accessories for Your New iPhone
The weird, wonderful world of MagSafe accessories can make your smartphone feel modular. These are our...
22 Best Gifts for Cat Lovers
Want to surprise your feline friend or find the perfect gift for a cat lover? WIRED...