~tildes | Bookmarks (2450)
Valve releases Team Fortress 2 source code, opening door to completely new fan-made games
Link URL: https://www.eurogamer.net/valve-releases-team-fortress-2-source-code-opening-door-to-completely-new-fan-made-games Comments URL: https://tildes.net/~games/1m4l/valve_releases_team_fortress_2_source_code Votes: 47 Comments: 3
Open to collaborate and draw something for you - ~creative
I didn't know where to post this, sometimes I invite people on instagram to suggest ideas...
Thutmose II: First pharaoh's tomb found in Egypt since Tutankhamun's
Link URL: https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c5ym30v356po Comments URL: https://tildes.net/~humanities.history/1m4i/thutmose_ii_first_pharaohs_tomb_found_in_egypt_since_tutankhamuns Votes: 23 Comments: 1
How often do you replace your phone? - ~tech
My phone, Samsung Galaxy S20, has finally started having some screen issues and made me start...
The Airbnb/Hotel Gap: Private common spaces - ~life
Once or twice a year, my friends and I do a "Friend Getaway" where we rent...
The BBC’s library of classic sci-fi sounds is now available to sample
Link URL: https://www.theverge.com/entertainment/615584/bbc-radiophonic-workshop-archive Comments URL: https://tildes.net/~tech/1m4f/the_bbcs_library_of_classic_sci_fi_sounds_is_now_available_to_sample Votes: 24 Comments: 2
Bring Her Back | Official Teaser HD | A24
Link URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RsKygtA2DMY Comments URL: https://tildes.net/~movies/1m4e/bring_her_back_official_teaser Votes: 6 Comments: 1
How Ticketmaster Ruined the Music Industry
Link URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nJbOX4RmjjE Comments URL: https://tildes.net/~music/1m4d/how_ticketmaster_ruined_the_music_industry Votes: 16 Comments: 2
Tildes Book Club - Born a Crime, How is it going? - ~books
Wes asked this question a few days ago as a comment in the schedule, but I...
Shorthorn Project - Run modern programs on Windows XP/2003
Link URL: http://shorthornproject.com/ Comments URL: https://tildes.net/~comp/1m4b/shorthorn_project_run_modern_programs_on_windows_xp_2003 Votes: 11 Comments: 8
A Science Fiction Workshop Lexicon: the Paragons Iteration (1996)
Link URL: https://bruces.medium.com/a-science-fiction-workshop-lexicon-the-paragons-iterarion-1996-20752a861896 Comments URL: https://tildes.net/~humanities/1m4a/a_science_fiction_workshop_lexicon Votes: 11 Comments: 0
Ink Console is an eink visual novel platform
Link URL: https://inkconsole.com/ Comments URL: https://tildes.net/~games/1m47/ink_console_is_an_eink_visual_novel_platform Votes: 14 Comments: 0
What have you been watching / reading this week? (Anime/Manga) - ~anime
What have you been watching and reading this week? You don't need to give us a...
Cheech & Chong's Last Movie [Official Trailer]
Link URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yFZaR4ubS20 Comments URL: https://tildes.net/~movies/1m44/cheech_chongs_last_movie_official_trailer Votes: 9 Comments: 0
Shedfromthebody - Sungazer [Official Video]
Link URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nYaz8TECyKo Comments URL: https://tildes.net/~music/1m3p/shedfromthebody_sungazer_2025 Votes: 0 Comments: 0
Need some career advice, potentially pivoting from a family business of manufacturing to starting afresh in another country - ~life
I have a bit of a curveball for the kind folks of tildes. I have a...
Blogs: Show your own writing and good posts you have found recently (February) - ~creative
I think we can do this once again. The last one went okay and there has...
Woman sues fertility clinic, saying she gave birth to another patient's baby
Link URL: https://apnews.com/article/ivf-lawsuit-fertility-clinic-embryo-97190518b80b0805494fc4897c477073 Comments URL: https://tildes.net/~health/1m3m/woman_sues_us_fertility_clinic_saying_she_gave_birth_to_another_patients_baby Votes: 9 Comments: 5
Midweek Movie Free Talk - ~movies
Have you watched any movies recently you want to discuss? Any films you want to recommend...
Policing the internet in Germany, where hate speech, insults are a crime | 60 Minutes
Link URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-bMzFDpfDwc Comments URL: https://tildes.net/~tech/1m3j/policing_the_internet_in_germany_where_hate_speech_and_insults_are_a_crime Votes: 9 Comments: 12
TOMMY CASH - ESPRESSO MACCHIATO (Eurovision 2025 Winner)
Link URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o6aJJ6Q5zhg Comments URL: https://tildes.net/~music/1m3i/tommy_cash_espresso_macchiato_esc_2025_estonia Votes: 4 Comments: 1
Anyone using Meshtastic/LoRA radio? - ~hobbies
Just wondering if any other tildan electronics/radio hobbyists are playing around with Meshtastic. I got my...
Dan Reeder - Born A Worm (Official Video)
Link URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qMEXBwFbdoM Comments URL: https://tildes.net/~music/1m3g/dan_reeder_born_a_worm_2017 Votes: 4 Comments: 2
What is your strangely specific phobia? - ~talk
For as long as I can remember, I've been unnerved by passive infrared motion detectors. You...