mastodon.el: Copy toot URL after posting; also, copying just this post with 11ty :: Sacha Chua
I often want to copy the toot URL after posting a new toot about a blog...
On this day :: Sacha Chua
Nudged by org-daily-reflection (@emacsomancer's toot) and Jeremy Keith's post where he mentions his on this day...
Stick figure out feelings :: Sacha Chua
2025-03-22-02 Stick figure out feelings -- drawing emotions.svg Feel free to use or remix these stick...
Weekly review: Week ending March 21, 2025 :: Sacha Chua
Some walking, some writing, some Emacs tweaking. A+ and I went to a pottery wheel workshop....
Visual book notes: ADHD is Awesome - Penn and Kim Holderness (2024) :: Sacha Chua
2025-03-20-01 ADHD is Awesome #visual-book-notes #adhd (Feel free to use or share this under the Creative...
Old-school blogger :: Sacha Chua
2025-03-16-01 Old-school blogger -- blogging writing Text from sketch Old-school blogger [timeline showing different strands braided...
Playing with chunk size when writing :: Sacha Chua
How long is a blog post? Some people write short posts with one clear thought. Others...
Reading more blogs; Emacs Lisp: Listing blogs based on an OPML file :: Sacha Chua
Nudged by Dave Winer's post about old-school bloggers and my now-nicely-synchronizing setup of NetNewsWire (iOS) and...
Org Mode: Merge top-level items in an item list :: Sacha Chua
I usually summarize Mastodon links, move them to my Emacs News Org file, and then categorize...
2025-03-17 Emacs news :: Sacha Chua
Upcoming events (iCal file, Org): M-x Research: TBA Wed Mar 19 0900 America/Vancouver - 1100...
Remove open Org Mode clock entries :: Sacha Chua
Pedro pointed out that I had some incomplete clock entries in my Emacs configuration. org-resolve-clocks prompts...
2025-03-10 Emacs news :: Sacha Chua
Emacs 30: How to Get Started with Emacs 30.1 on Linux ( GNU Emacs 30.1 läuft...
Getting an Org link URL from a string; debugging regex groups :: Sacha Chua
Sometimes I want to get the URL from a string whether the string contains a bare...
Reflecting on my conscientiousness (or whatever the opposite is) :: Sacha Chua
Conscientiousness and me Noticing when my brain likes to do the work Supporting my brain Not...
2025-03-03 Emacs news :: Sacha Chua
Emacs 30: Emacs 30 Now On Android (12:19) GNU Emacs 30.1 Released With Android Support, Emacs...
Monthly review: February 2025 :: Sacha Chua
2025-02-28-04 February 2025 -- monthly review Checking in with myself Where did I feel most energized...
Two weeks with the iPad Air (+ SuperNote A5X and Lenovo P52) :: Sacha Chua
I've had this iPad Air 13" for about two weeks now, and I'm slowly settling into...
Letting A+ play with generative artificial intelligence for fiction, and a primer :: Sacha Chua
A+ likes prompting Claude AI to generate funny kid-focused Star Wars fanfic mostly exploring how various...
Working with smaller chunks of thoughts; adding anchors to paragraphs in Org Mode HTML export :: Sacha Chua
Adding anchors to paragraphs Anchor links Text fragments I write my blog posts in Org Mode...
2025-02-24 Emacs news :: Sacha Chua
Emacs 30: Emacs 30.1 released (Reddit,, HN, Emacs 30.1 RC1 is available (Reddit, Irreal,...
Playing with sketching again :: Sacha Chua
After our first informal field trip to the Art Gallery of Ontario, I got my own...
Productive procrastination and parenting :: Sacha Chua
2025-02-20-01 Productive procrastination -- productivity parenting.png Text from sketch Productive procrastination We are going to procrastinate....
Using systemd to switch nginx configurations based on number of CPUs :: Sacha Chua
I set up a BigBlueButton web conferencing server so that people can use it for Emacs...
2025-02-17 Emacs news :: Sacha Chua
Upcoming events (iCal file, Org): M-x Research: TBA Wed Feb 19 0800 America/Vancouver - 1000...
AGO field trip #2: Moments in Modernism, landscapes :: Sacha Chua
A+ asked me to take her on another informal field trip to the Art Gallery of...
2025-02-10 Emacs news :: Sacha Chua
Help wanted: Looking for testers: Nix (Flakes) integration for Eshell (Github) Re: Status of xwidgets support...
Sketching practice: Beaver, goose, squirrel, sparrow, flower, sheepdog and sheep :: Sacha Chua
A+'s class is working through a variety of assignments while reading through The Wild Robot. They've...
Looking at landscapes; art and iteration :: Sacha Chua
I want to get better at helping A+ learn more about art, and I want to...
Lispy Gopher Show 2025-02-05: programming languages, history, blogging, and communities with screwtape, Ramin Honary, and me :: Sacha Chua
I joined @screwtape's Lispy Gopher Show at the last minute because he wanted to chat a...
2025-02-03 Emacs news :: Sacha Chua
Help wanted: F-Droid are in need of a new maintainer for their Emacs package. Upcoming events...
Through blogging, we discover our thoughts and other people :: Sacha Chua
Advice for a friend who wants to start a blog How to Take Smart Notes Mathematica...
Playing Minecraft parkour together :: Sacha Chua
A+ eight years old and she won't always want to play with me, so while I...
Improving subed-vtt parsing; using dedicated windows in Emacs; training my intuition :: Sacha Chua
While putting together some notes on how to use subed.el with auto-generated YouTube captions, I decided...
2025-01-27 Emacs news :: Sacha Chua
Upcoming events (iCal file, Org): Emacs Berlin (hybrid, in English) Wed Jan 29 0930 America/Vancouver...
Scaling a BigBlueButton server down to a 1 GB node between uses :: Sacha Chua
Now that we've survived EmacsConf, I've been looking into running a BigBlueButton server so that various...
Controlling my Android phone by voice :: Sacha Chua
I want to be able to use voice control to do things on my phone while...
Hyperlinking SVGs :: Sacha Chua
preprocess image edit and link text Inkscape prompt for rectangles inline SVG write about sketch Build...
Revisiting wearable computing :: Sacha Chua
wearable computing life-logging an M1 display Emacspeak untangle my thoughts Quick audio/video notes adapting to...
2025-01-20 Emacs news :: Sacha Chua
Upcoming events (iCal file, Org): Emacs Berlin (hybrid, in English) Wed Jan 29 0930 America/Vancouver...
Organizing my sketches :: Sacha Chua
SuperNote Verbal to Visual Clarity Canvas Weekly Andy Draws Drewscape Sketchplanations Build bigger thoughts Visual Frameworks...
Minecraft tree orbs, tree farm upgrade :: Sacha Chua
A+ was inspired by the SapWing villages from Wings of Fire to make a couple of...
Changing :: Sacha Chua
For the longest time, was generated with the Planet Venus aggregator, which required Python 2.7....
Learning more about looking ahead together :: Sacha Chua
2025-01-14-01 Looking ahead – parenting planning skills Text from sketch A+ is 8 years old. We're...
2025-01-13 Emacs news :: Sacha Chua
Upcoming events (iCal file, Org): (in person): meetup #1 2025 (v #živo) Tue...
Treemap visualization of an Org Mode file :: Sacha Chua
[2025-01-12 Sun]: u/dr-timeous posted a · GitHub that makes a coloured treemap that displays the...
Automatically correcting phrasing and misrecognized words in speech-to-text captions by using a script :: Sacha Chua
I usually write my scripts with phrases that could be turned into the subtitles. I figured...
Org Babel, Mermaid JS, and fixing "Failed to launch the browser process" on Ubuntu 24 :: Sacha Chua
Mermaid makes pretty diagrams from text. It's Javascript-based, so the command-line tool (mmdc) uses Puppeteer to...
Monthly review: December 2024 :: Sacha Chua
2024-12-31-09 December 2024 -- monthly review.png EmacsConf 2024 was a ton of fun, and we managed...
#YayEmacs 9: Trimming/adding silences to get to a target; subed-record-sum-time :: Sacha Chua
New in this video: subed-record-sum-time, #+PAD_LEFT and #+PAD_RIGHT Video not supported. Thumbnail:Download the video I like...
2025-01-06 Emacs news :: Sacha Chua
[2025-01-06 Mon]: Fix typo in exitter's name Upcoming events (iCal file, Org): OrgMeetup (virtual) Wed...