~recent-questions-st | Bookmarks (1360)
split a string using whitespace as the delimiter containing '-' character
I want to split a string containing - as first character using white space as the...
multiple crashes related to "java.lang.String cannot be cast to java.lang.Object[]"
Starting last few days, out of the blue, we get multiple crash reports from google analytics...
To merge changes of one branch to another in github so that all the changes for dev will be reflected on that single branch
I am new to github, the dev instance code is pointing to one branch one. I...
Invoke function on mouse over with framer motion
I'm trying to recreate the following codepen with framer motion: https://codepen.io/Hyperplexed/pen/rNrJgrd?editors=0010 It doesn't animate, and I...
How to log the version of my Nuxt app on server startup?
I want to write out a log line that reads "started version 0.4.0" when I start...
API endpoint to retrieve version of a WordPress site?
Simple question: Is there an API endpoint to retrieve the version of a specific WordPress site?...
Flyway naming convention for (V)ersion and (B)base scripts
We have a long history of flyway V incremental scripts, some scripts had few mistakes and...
Trying to install TeX Live on Windows 11, keeps giving an error
I am trying to install TeX Live but then every time I try to install it,...
Can two processes both enter the busy wait under the Peterson's algorithm?
By looking at the Peterson's algorithm, the equivalent implementation in C++ is: #include <thread> #include <atomic>...
Azure pipeline - powershell variables are not accessible between steps
I am creating a pipeline and for some reason I can't access variables between steps. Everything...
Why are explicitly defaulted comparison operators deleted when the class contains a reference member?
I tried to default both operator== and operator<=> in a simple class that contains a reference...
How can I override a method where the ellipsis is assigned as the default value of a parameter in python?
In Python v3.10, the following code generates a Pylance error stating (Expression of type "EllipsisType" cannot...
Search multiple keywords over a column and create columns for each
I have the following data. stringstosearch <- c("to", "and", "at", "from", "is", "of") set.seed(199) id <-...
Swift Charts: RuleMark annotation is invisible when chartScrollableAxes are specified
I’m working on a project that displays the number of steps users have taken in the...
nginx mTLS not working on mobile (android, ios) browsers
Trying to configure mTLS through nginx, to authenticate using certificate on mobile browsers (android, ios). Here...
MERGE runs WHEN NOT MATCHED clause unexpectedly
I'm running a MERGE statement in SQL Server where the source table has a single row...
Finish one method before starting other method
I am writing C# Codes for my Unity Program. I am getting data through IEnumerator searchInDatabase(string...
Error in Power Query when accessing SharePoint folder in Microsoft Fabric dataflow
I'm new to Microsoft Fabric and was assigned a task to create a dataflow and pipeline....
Why does GORM's AutoMigrate always alter timestamp(0) columns on each run, and how can I prevent this?
I'm using GORM with PostgreSQL, and I'm encountering an issue where GORM's AutoMigrate function always tries...
weird laravel validation in nested array
I tried some validation rule like: Boolean and Required file with nested array field, but always...
Customize border colors dynamically in gt table
I have a gt table that requires borders in several columns. I'm easily able to change...
Pyspark self join taking alot of time
I have pyspark df which I am self joining based on 2 columns cluster_id which has...
Setup global providers for Angular unit tests
I have generated a fresh Angular 18 project and made it zoneless. It works fine, however...
How to recursively check if a String starts and ends with another String in Java without equals()?
I need to write a method private static boolean textStartSeqEndSeq(String text, String sequence). The method compares...