~pycoders | Bookmarks (435)
GitHub - garrettj403/SciencePlots: Matplotlib styles for scientific plotting
SciencePlots: Matplotlib Styles for Scientific Plotting GITHUB.COM/GARRETTJ403
Bytes Objects: Handling Binary Data in Python – Real Python
Bytes Objects: Handling Binary Data in Python In this tutorial, you’ll learn about Python’s bytes objects,...
Python interpreter adds tail calls [LWN.net]
Python Interpreter Adds Tail Calls As part of the on-going performance improvement work, Python 3.14 is...
Nango | The most comprehensive integration platform
Ship Integrations With 300+ APIs Nango is an open source platform that lets you ship robust...
Exploiting Python pickles
Exploiting Python Pickles Python has a built-in mechanism for serializing and deserializing objects known as “pickling”....
Django security releases issued: 5.1.7, 5.0.13 and 4.2.20
Django Security Releases: 5.1.7, 5.0.13 and 4.2.20 DJANGO SOFTWARE FOUNDATION
What Is the Python Global Interpreter Lock (GIL)? Quiz – Real Python
Quiz: What Is the Python Global Interpreter Lock (GIL)? REAL PYTHON
Python while Loops: Repeating Tasks Conditionally – Real Python
Python while Loops: Repeating Tasks Conditionally In this tutorial, you’ll learn about indefinite iteration using the...
Python while Loops: Repeating Tasks Conditionally Quiz – Real Python
Quiz: Python while Loops: Repeating Tasks Conditionally REAL PYTHON
Episode #242: Eric Matthes: Maybe Don't Start With Unit Tests – The Real Python Podcast
Maybe Don’t Start With Unit Tests Should you always start testing your code with unit tests?...
Creating Open Graph Images in Django for Improved Social Media Sharing
Open Graph Images in Django for Social Media The Open Graph protocol specifies metadata for a...
Working With Python Polars – Real Python
Working With Python Polars Welcome to the world of Polars, a powerful DataFrame library for Python....
Beating LinkedIn “Queens” with Python
Beating LinkedIn “Queens” With Python LinkedIn publishes a daily logic puzzle called “Queens” that is a...
ASCII control characters in my terminal
ASCII Control Characters in My Terminal Ever wonder about those ASCII control characters in your terminal,...
Learning Pokémon With Reinforcement Learning
Pokémon With Reinforcement Learning David and his colleagues have been using reinforcement learning to beat “Pokemon...
Good programmers worry about data structures and their relationships
Good Programmers Worry About Data Structures and Their Relationships This opinion piece discusses a quote from...
Which Python GUI library should you use in 2025?
Which Python GUI Library Should You Use in 2025? This post compares the Python GUI libraries...
GitHub - codegen-sh/codegen: Scriptable interface to a powerful, multi-lingual language server built on top of Tree-sitter
codegen-sdk: Scriptable Interface to Tree-Sitter GITHUB.COM/CODEGEN-SH
GitHub - tmarktaylor/phmutest: Detect and troubleshoot broken Python examples in Markdown
phmutest: Troubleshoot Python Examples in Markdown GITHUB.COM/TMARKTAYLOR
GitHub - mljar/variable-inspector: Explore variables in Jupyter notebooks
Variable Explorer in JupyterLab GITHUB.COM/MLJAR • Shared by Piotr Plonski
GitHub - adamchainz/time-machine: Travel through time in your tests.
time-machine: Travel Through Time in Your Tests GITHUB.COM/ADAMCHAINZ
Low Overhead Allocation Sampling with VMProf in PyPy's GC
Low Overhead Allocation Sampling With VMProf in PyPy’s GC This is a very deep dive on...