Bookmarks (8)

  • Fully-Specified Algorithms Specification Addressing Area Director Feedback – Mike Jones: self-issued

    Orie Steele and I want to thank Deb Cooley for her Area Director review of the...

  • COSE Algorithms for Two-Party Signing – Mike Jones: self-issued

    Emil Lundberg and I have published the COSE Algorithms for Two-Party Signing specification. Its abstract is:...

  • The Cambrian Explosion of OAuth and OpenID Specifications – Mike Jones: self-issued

    Vladimir Dzhuvinov and I led a discussion on The Cambrian Explosion of OAuth and OpenID Specifications...

  • Proposed Candidate Recommendation for Controlled Identifiers – Mike Jones: self-issued

    The W3C Verifiable Credentials Working Group has published a Snapshot Candidate Recommendation of the Controlled Identifiers...

  • Twenty Years of Digital Identity! – Mike Jones: self-issued

    Kim Cameron first told me what Digital Identity is on February 1, 2005. He said that...

  • Proposed Second Candidate Recommendation for Securing Verifiable Credentials using JOSE and COSE – Mike Jones: self-issued

    The W3C Verifiable Credentials Working Group published the Snapshot Second Candidate Recommendation of the Securing Verifiable...

  • Integrity Properties for Federations – Mike Jones: self-issued

    I’m writing to highly recommend the article “How to link an application protocol to an OpenID...

  • Three New Specs Enhancing OpenID Federation and New Contributors – Mike Jones: self-issued

    The OpenID Connect working group recently adopted three new specifications that build upon and provide new...