~hackernews | Bookmarks (11820)
NASA's Asteroid Bennu Sample Reveals Mix of Life's Ingredients
Lee esta nota de prensa en español aquí. Studies of rock and dust from asteroid Bennu...
Solar Plant Accidentally Incinerates Up to 6k Birds a Year (2016)
A rare and unusual type of solar power plant that concentrates sunlight in California is accidentally...
Don't make fun of renowned author Dan Brown (2013)
Renowned author Dan Brown woke up in his luxurious four-poster bed in his expensive $10 million...
Hytradboi 2025 Program
HYTRADBOI is a fun online conference about databases, programming languages, and everything in between. A place...
Costa Rican Supermarket Wins Trademark Battle Against Nintendo
A small Costa Rican supermarket has emerged victorious from a legal battle against the renowned video...
The Legacy of Lies in Alzheimer's Science
You have a preview view of this article while we are checking your access. When we...
A loophole used by Shein/Temu to ship packages to US tax-free
As Shein and Temu grow their foothold in the US, analysts and lawmakers are paying close...
UK betting giant's unlawful marketing kept suicidal gambler hooked
At 1.17pm on 15 August 2018, Sam* logged in to his online betting account and gambled...
The Door Problem (2014)
“So what does a game designer do? Are you an artist? Do you design characters and...